Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Part 2 of March Madness Whedonverse Character Tourney - The Worst of the Lot

Welcome to part 2 of our Biannual Whedonverse Tourney. We thought we'd flip the script and try to find the opposite of our usual fare...specifically, who is the most hated character of the entire Whedonverse? Well we intend to find out as we give you March Madness: The Worst of the Lot.

With all the *other stuff* going on in the 'verse this week, the tourney might be a bit skewed. Let's try to put current issues aside and ask ourselves: who does this fandom despise most? A character so lame, so annoying, we just wish never existed at all? At the end of this ambitious month long journey, we'll know for sure. Over the next 4 weeks we will give out computer-generated randomized pairings of characters from Joss Whedon shows: Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Dr. Horrible and Dollhouse.

In part 1, we found out that the following people have been saved from fandom hatred:

Joyce Summers
Virginia Bryce
Lindsey McDonald
Topher Brink
Principal Snyder
Principal Flutie
Winifred Burkle
Willy the Snitch
Jenny Calendar
Lilah Morgan

Guess you like those guys enough! Next up is part 2 of round 1 and has 16 matches below. It will end in 72 hrs - March 6th at 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time. See the pairings below and if you're playing, make sure to click the name you DISLIKE. Remember, we're trying to find the worst of the lot if they annoy you, click away.

Click here to view the full Tournament Bracket.

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