Saturday, March 20, 2010

Buffyfest reviews the Dr. Horrible iPhone App

We have in our hot little hands an iPhone. But it's not just any iPhone. This iPhone holds a PHD in Horribleness. Actually, that's stupid because an iPhone can't go to school or learn or think. It's a sexy gadget, not an anti-hero who accidentally kills the girl of his dreams. Oops! Spoiler alert!

Ahem, so let me back up a bit. Dark Horse Comics was cool enough to let us take an early look at the Dr. Horrible iPhone Comic App which gets released to the public on March 24th, and it's so fantastic. If you follow this blog, chances are you know I'm a sucker for Doc of course I was super excited to get a sneak peek. Written by Zack Whedon, it's entertaining origin story that places one more piece of the complex puzzle known as "Billy Buddy". It's so filled with goodness and all the usual greats are in it, including what I'm pretty sure is a cameo by the David Fury and Marti Noxon news anchors. We also meet Moist's car, which Doc lamely nicknames the "Horrible Mobile", much to Moist's dismay. Some of this "issue" is set in the far past and some is just prior to the beloved web-series.

Just to be clear, this is an adaptation of the one-shot wonder that came out a couple of months ago...not a brand new story.

The Dr. Horrible Comic Book App reads surprisingly well, swiping each single page with your finger, and looks quite lovely on the vibrant iPhone screen. There is about 118 of these "pages" to the story. It'll be $.99 at the iTunes store, which of course is well worth it for a little more "Horrible" in our lives. You'll definitely want to pick this one up, even if you read it in paper form.

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