Friday, March 12, 2010

Here We Go! March Madness Whedonverse Character Tourney - The Worst of the Lot, Round 2

Oh yeah, March Madness is in full effect! In case you're just joining us, so far we've weeded out the top 64 best characters which leaves us with the bottom 64, otherwise known as "The Worst of the Lot!"

A little back story, one year ago we challenged the fandom to a lethal tourney. The goal? Find out the fan favorite character of the entire Whedonverse. With that behind us, we thought we'd flip the script this time and try to find the opposite...specifically, who is the most hated character of the entire Whedonverse. We've been giving out randomized pairings of characters from Joss Whedon shows: Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Dollhouse and Dr. Horrible and will be for the rest of the month. So if the character sucks in your eyes, vote for them.

We all have our favorite most beloved characters, but who do we most despise? A character so lame, so annoying, we just wish never existed at all. We here at Buffyfest definitely have our predictions!

In part 4 of Round 1, we found out that the following people have been saved from fandom hatred:

Devon Macleish
Clem - Everyone loves Clem
Olaf the Troll(god) - Wow, Connor really is stil hated because 72% of the people chose him over Olaf!
Captain Hammer
Dalton the Sensitive Vamp
Phantom Dennis
The First Slayer - who barely made it against The Master, but alas The Master was more hated.
Sid the Dummy
Faith - Barely beating Kaylee for better character status
The Cheeseman - Dawn reigns sucky there
Mayor Wilkins
and Forrest - who incidentally was "more hated" at the beginning of this round, but then turned it around and now Numero Cinco will make it to Rd 2!

Next up is Round 2, pt 1 and has 16 matches below. It will end in 72 hrs - March 15th at 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time. Check out the opponents below and if you're playing, make sure to click the name you DISLIKE.

Remember, don't get confused! We're trying to find the worst of the lot if you HATE them, click away.

Click here to view the full Tournament Bracket, updated with the winners so far.

I can't stress this enough...DON'T CLICK ON YOUR FAVORITES!

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