Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Whedonverse Wins!

Everyone knows how I love me some lists and this week there were loads of them that included our favorite Whedonverse peeps and characters. Go vote where you can or just gloat where you can. Enjoy!

'Tis the Season! Buffy wins best TWOP Halloween episode with one of Tara's all time favorites "Halloween" and "Fear Itself" in a tie for the #1 slot.

Who's the geekiest of them all? Whedon is kicking Abrams butt at the moment:

Buffy makes #3 in the list of "Chosen Ones" which is pretty impressive given the people she's in line with in this list.

SMG at #11 and Dushku at #26 make Empire's 100 Sexiest Women.

"Hush" wins the #4 slot in the Scariest TV episodes category. Not sure I agree, but it is a scary episode.

Wow, that's a lot of lists!

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