Sunday, October 4, 2009

fanvid sunday: bjork(!) edition

Let me tell you something, friends o' the fest, I am a big fan of another woman who kicks a lot of ass and whose name starts with the letter "B". That's right. It's Bjork! So imagine my joy and rapture when I discovered this fantastic fanvid which utilizes the rich and gorgeous song, "Bachelorette". Peep it out!

Find more videos like this on BAM Vid Vault

Interesting story: when I was still in college (back in the dark ages) a few friends of mine ran into Bjork at a cafe in upstate New York very randomly. I was so surprised to see her there that my mouth lay agape long enough for her to notice. She shot me what to this day is the dirtiest look I have ever received. It was such a dirty look that, ever since then, my friends and I still refer to that as the day Bjork punched me in the face... with her mind.

Next week I will be in sunny Los Angeles to kick it with Buffyfest, west coast style! What's the week looking like for you? Happy Sunday!

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