Wednesday, October 21, 2009

"What if...?" with Brian Lynch

Hello again, dear friends! Had you suspected that Brian Lynch had something more to say? Did you think that, mayhap, team Buffyfest was holding out on you, that there was some part of the interview that we'd kept a super secret? Well... actually, that's true and thank goodness for editing because some of the stuff Brian and I talked about was more than a little ridiculous. However there is one more question! A glorious "What if?" that I hope you'll enjoy to the best of your ability. Enjoy, damn you!

Buffyfest: What if Joss gives you the blessing to make an actual Angel: After the Fall movie but you can only keep one of the original stars. Who do you keep and who do you cast to replace the rest?

Brian Lynch: I think you'd have to keep Angel if it's called ANGEL. But fans wouldn't accept anyone else as SPIKE so he's not in it.

Buffyfest: Marsters would be easier to get

Brian Lynch: I could get David Bananas, don't you worry. But it's called ANGEL, so we need ANGEL. Right? Well, if the movie is called ANGEL:AFTER THE FALL, and we don't have Angel in it, that would be weird. If we go with James, it will be called SPIKE. You said it had to be called ANGEL.

Buffyfest: I did. Unless it's the Spike movie that you want to make. I'll allow the option.

Brian Lynch: Well I would kill to do SPIKE:ASYLUM.

Buffyfest: Alright, perfect. You get Marsters and then you're wide open to cast everyone ele as you see fit.

Brian Lynch: James as Spike, Michael Keaton as the voice of Betta George. If Beck was older, Jewel Staite. If Beck is younger, hmmmm. Give me one moment. See, I don't know many teen actresses. Are there any good actresses on GOSSIP GIRL or something. Brunettes?

Buffyfest: I watch Gossip Girl, actually. Much better than watching, say, Melrose Place...

Brian Lynch: Wait, the girl from VAMPIRE DIARIES, that was also on DEGRASSI. She's not too bad. Though the whole vampire of it all might be weird. Pick your favorite GOSSIP GIRL, then. And go with her

Buffyfest: I actually kind of like the girl from Zombieland: Emma Stone

Brian Lynch: Oh good call. Duh. Yeah. She's great. You win this round.

Buffyfest: I do indeed

Brian Lynch: Alright, I have to go cry.

And there you have it. Surely, one of the most fascinating and important moments of your life and mine!

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