Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloweeny!

Starring Buffyfest (Tara as "The Mad Scientist", Michelle as "The Bride of Frank" and Bitsy as "Dracula") with supporting roles by Tom Lenk as "Frank" and Sarah Michelle Gellar playing an unusual part, for her, as "The Werewolf".

Friday, October 30, 2009

"What if" with Scott Allie, Redux

"What was Cordy, would Xander still have left her at the alter?"

It's a toughie, the stuff fandom 'shipping debates are made of. We honestly didn't know how Super Scott Allie would react to such blasphemy, but he did it on the spot and with poise. You can listen to his answer in full, below:

click play

Here's an exerpt:

"Wow. I my gut reaction is like yeah, he definitely would have because if anything, the Cordelia relationship was more dysfunctional. But at the same time, and I'm sure this is gonna put me in hot water, I think, if anything, Xander did love Cordy more genuinely than he loved Anya...but Cordy abused Xander way more. Anya and him didn't really work, but I do think Xander loved Cordy more, but I still think he would've bailed - unless things had gone radically differently. But if say Cordy hadn't left for LA, she stayed in Sunnydale, they continued to date for another couple of years and then they were going to get married: I very much could see him leaving her at the alter.

Poor Xander.  He's just a mess. He can't function."

-Scott Allie

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dark Shadows at Twilight: A Paley Center Vampire Weekend

Super vampire fun! Wonder why they didn't do this closer to All Hallow's Eve? The New York branch of the Paley Center just announced a vampire themed event the weekend of November 13th, with screenings of several past PALEYFEST events—with reunions of the casts and creative teams of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, True Blood, and Dark Shadows, and more. Didn't know they did an Angel Paley event in 2001! There will also be a live panel with a bunch of bloggers and editors. Also:

"The Paley Center for Media has partnered with Entertainment Weekly to explore what’s going on. EW’s Ken Tucker will moderate a panel of informed fans to debate the relative merits of vampires across media, with special attention to the rankings of the Paley Center's TV Vampire Poll (vote through November 2). A display of EW’s coverage of the undead phenomenon will be on view in the Spielberg Gallery through November 15."

note: love the comparison of Angel/Spike to Bill Compton/Eric Northman in that poll.

Click below for the deets:

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Whedonverse Wins!

Everyone knows how I love me some lists and this week there were loads of them that included our favorite Whedonverse peeps and characters. Go vote where you can or just gloat where you can. Enjoy!

'Tis the Season! Buffy wins best TWOP Halloween episode with one of Tara's all time favorites "Halloween" and "Fear Itself" in a tie for the #1 slot.

Who's the geekiest of them all? Whedon is kicking Abrams butt at the moment:

Buffy makes #3 in the list of "Chosen Ones" which is pretty impressive given the people she's in line with in this list.

SMG at #11 and Dushku at #26 make Empire's 100 Sexiest Women.

"Hush" wins the #4 slot in the Scariest TV episodes category. Not sure I agree, but it is a scary episode.

Wow, that's a lot of lists!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Review of Rock of Ages starring Tom Lenk

I went to see Tom Lenk in Rock of Ages on Broadway this past Saturday, but got yelled at by a beastly security woman for taking photos. Like really yelled at and actually made to delete them. That was new. In the beginning of the show they said no flash photography and I thought that meant I could take the flash off. Shame because I got some fantastic ones of Tom in all his glory. Oh well, here is straggly cell phone photo of the awesome Sunset Strip themed set:

So, Tom Lenk joined the cast of Rock of Ages in September. Bitsy and I had seen him a few months prior, in his little last minute show at a comedy club in the theater district. He was actually in town at that moment to audition for Rock of Ages, which obviously went well. That night, Bits and I marveled at his charismatic performance, excellent singing voice and straight up good story telling. So naturally, I expected greatness out of him in this, his Broadway debut, and he didn't disappoint. Tom Lenk was truly incredible. He plays 'Franz', a role he originated in the Los Angeles and Las Vegas productions of Rock of Ages. The part is pretty demanding with big singing, dancing and a fun German accent to boot. The boy can work it. If you are in the New York area, I highly recommend seeing this fantastic show, especially if your a child of the 80's. Bring your non-Whedonite friends too. It's full of raunchy 80's hair band there's something for everyone. :)


"In 1987 on the Sunset Strip, a small town girl met a big city rocker and in LA's most famous rock club, they fell in love to the greatest songs of the '80s. It's Rock of Ages , an arena-rock love story told through the mind-blowing, face-melting hits of Journey, Bon Jovi, Foreigner and many more.

Following a successful off Broadway run and the sale of the film rights to New Line Cinema, Rock of Ages opened on 7 Apr 2009 at Broadway's Brooks Atkinson Theatre, following previews from 17 Mar, where it is currently selling tickets through to 28 Feb 2010."

Click below for the official site and ticket info:

Monday, October 26, 2009

David Boreanaz Cheating Scandal!

Look, it's a little known fact that behind the scenes of Buffyfest that I'm the one that tends to frequent the  the tabloids. A little Perez from time to time is my guilty pleasure. It seems, though, that I missed on all the major goss sites this juicy bit of controversy: David Boreanaz allegedly cheated on his Playmate wife of 8 years, Jaime Bergman, throughout her recent pregnancy with a miss Rachel Uchitel. Classy! She apparently broke it off after he failed to leave Jaime just after the birth of their new daughter! She, ironically, found it in poor taste that he called her during the baby's delivery when, you know, he was supposed to be leaving her and all. Double class! To quote Harmony "Ugh! Just Ugh! That's....Ugh!" Well put, Harm.

In the mean time, this story has sparked such creative headlines as:

"David Boreanaz gives 'Bones' a whole new meaning"

"Rachel Uchitel: Boning Bones Star David Boreanaz!"

and, of course "David Boreanaz is no angel."

Then again this info comes from Star magazine and their apparent "anonymous source" (gee I wonder who that might be, Classy Miss Rachel.) They are not exactly known for their achievement in professional journalism. I can't say that I would be all that surprised, though. It was a widely reported rumor back in the day that Boreano cheated on his then wife, Ingrid Quinn, as soon as he hit the big time with an upcoming starlet named Sarah Michelle Gellar. Who knows if that was true or not (that probably came from the reputable "Star" as well), but I think there's a small part of the hellmouth in all of us that thinks the real life Bangel is too fun a thing to resist.

Michelle will be waking to this devastating news just hours from now. We all know Boreano is her go to subject matter. Ah Boreano, if this is true, you're really in the doghouse now. Next time, try to keep it in your pants, dear. We don't like showing so much love on this site to douche bags, you hear? To quote bits, k thx bai.

I'll let you read the rest of the gory deets at the below linkage, so as to not totally soil the front page entirely:


**UPDATE** Sorry to say, the rumors are true. Source:,,20366077,00.html

Sunday, October 25, 2009

fanvid sunday: "these are the daves I know" edition

I have no idea what the subject of this post means either. Except, of course, that I'm a fan of The Kids in the Hall from way back. Anyway! On with the show. Our first video is a mashup of the first season of Angel which never gets enough love. I mean... I love it. Why don't you? This fanvid should serve as a reminder of what made it great:

Find more videos like this on BAM Vid Vault

In addition, I'd like to call attention to a first time fanvidder and friend of Buffyfest, Steph, aka thegingerpire. She made a Doctor Who vid which is great for me since that's my other fandom and, oh look, it's all about Donna Noble who is, you guessed it, my fave companion from the new series. Check it out! Also, watch Doctor Who if you haven't been.

Did you think we were done? Not without this lovely coda that was emailed to us recently:

Okay, now I'm done. Happy Sunday, minions o' the fest, and have a great week.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Best Angelus Story Never Told - Angel vs. Frankenstein

...until now, that is. It's not unknown at this point that some people find Angel to be kind of a bland, whiny, dude. I love him to pieces but I know that's sort of fringe thinking these days. Angelus, on the other hand, is generally accepted as being the best, most terrifying, and sinister villain Buffy has ever faced. It's a wonder more time has not been spent reveling in the time when our young Liam was the most sadistic son of a bitch in the known universe. Cue John Byrne to jump on the opportunity and craft an absolutely stunning period piece that pits our favorite evil vampire against one of the most well known monsters of all time: Frankenstein

Back when we interviewed Mariah and Chris, they told us that John had been kicking around the idea for this story since "Blood and Trenches" and that it was ultimately decided that it would work best as a kind of Halloween story. I wish that the book landed on a less cluttered month though, because I haven't seen anyone talking about even though it is, for my money, the best comic for fans of the 'verse to come out.

The story is a simple one, leaving plenty of room for these two larger than life characters to get in some suitably clever and creepy dialogue before duking it out. Angelus comes to Geneva, Switzerland for the same reason he goes anywhere: to cause a little mayhem, eat a few attractive women, and steal the fortune of a well-known family. Alright, that last thing took me a little off guard but, honestly, how else does Angelus do the things he does if he doesn't swipe off another man's wealth from time to time? What ties Angelus's antics to our mythic monster I'll leave as a surprise but, in short, it's darkly funny in that very Angelus sort of way.

What really sells the book is the treatment the two characters receive from Byrne. It's not easy to pen a tale where there really isn't a good guy and still have the audience care but does it with effortless aplomb and he does so by making sure to keep these characters fun and interesting (take note, Dollhouse writers). With Angelus, especially, I found myself wondering what kind of delicious acts of evil the bastard was going to get up to and I was never, ever disappointed. That's what makes it easy to root the Angelus, he's just so damned likable. Frankenstein's Monster acts as an incredible foil because he is deep in the moral gray, tragic, and downright scary even though he's kind of the hero of the piece. Byrne really captures the essence of the monster in a way that fits with Mary Shelley's mythos while simultaneously bringing a fresh approach that helps fit the character into an Angel story.

As for the art, much like "Blood and Trenches", Byrne finds that important middle ground between obsessing over making the characters look identical to the actors who played them and using artistic license. What impresses me most is the consistency. Even with good artists, I find that some panels are good while some seem rushed. Every frame, every moment is well crafted. It's sequential art at it's best, each beat pulling you further and further in. I especially love the look of Frankenstein's monster, all gaunt, sanguine, and zombie-like. He's really scary looking but not in a stupid, lumbering, Michael Meyers sort of way. There's a real intelligence that comes through not just in the writing but in the art as well.

If the goal was to make this into sell this as a Halloween story then let me remind you that Halloween is still a week away. Get yourself to your local comic book store and get this before the holiday passes you by. It's the perfect read for a scary night of kids in shoddy costumes coming to your house demanding candy.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Whedonverse Holiday Ornament Swap 2009!

It's that time of year again! Get ready for another round of our Annual Whedonverse Holiday Ornament Swap. Last year was big fun and we ended up with some fabulous Whedonverse themed adornments! See for yourself the results of everyone's craftiness here:

Wasn't that awesome? If this is your first time reading about the swap..let us explain. The purpose of this event is to craft 4-6 ornaments with a Whedonverse theme and send them to 4-6 different recipients. In return you will receive 4-6 completely different handmade ornaments to adorn your tree or any place you'd like. As you can see from the photos, you really can make them out of whatever you want. Wood, knit, sew, paint, draw, sculpt, paper craft, glue, recycle old ornaments (earth friendly!)....have fun with it!

If you want to be down, Whedonverse Holiday Ornament Swap sign-ups begin right now. Sign-ups will end on Friday, November 6th at 11:59 U.S. Eastern Standard Time. Please be willing to go through with this entire thing before signing up. Deadbeats will ruin the holiday cheer for everyone and make people sad. Here are the guidelines:

1. Sign up for the swap by sending an email with the following information to by November 6th.
- name
- address
- email address
- your website or blog (if you have one)
- whether your are willing to ship internationally

2. On November 9th you'll receive an email from us containing the addresses and email addresses of 4-6 other swap participants to send your ornaments to. (Again, you will have access to each others home addresses, as well as email addresses. Please contact each other with any disputes, questions or praise.)

3. Design a Whedon themed ornament that you can create multiples of (or make each one unique, up to you) and make your fabulous ornaments.

4. Package your ornaments well - especially if you create anything fragile. (Note that most international shipping requirements do not allow for any plant life or food type stuff.)

5. Send one of your ornaments to each person on the list of 4-6 other swap participants in your group by December 1st.

6. Sit back, relax and wait as you receive 4-6 lovely Whedonverse ornaments in the mail!

7. If you would like to share photos of the ornaments you make and receive, please do so in the swap flickr group here: You will need a flickr account to upload photos. A flickr account is free and easy to set up. you are responsible for posting your own photos if you wish to do so.

8. A note on international shipping. Please only select international shipping if you are willing to ship at least 2-3 of your ornaments overseas. Research the cost of shipping and take that into account when you design your ornament--lighter and more compact ornaments are cheaper to ship.

Any questions? Email

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Scott Allie Exurbia Signing This Weekend

For any southern California Buffy fans, Scott Allie, our favorite Dark Horse editor and one of only a few people who know the identity of Twilight, will be signing copies of his graphic novel Exurbia at two locations this weekend. If you want to know more about the graphic novel, check out the interview we did with Scott here.

Here's the location info:

October 23rd at The Comic Bug in Manhattan Beach - 3 to 5 pm.

October 24th at Golden Apple Comics in Los Angeles - 2 to 4 pm.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

"What if...?" with Brian Lynch

Hello again, dear friends! Had you suspected that Brian Lynch had something more to say? Did you think that, mayhap, team Buffyfest was holding out on you, that there was some part of the interview that we'd kept a super secret? Well... actually, that's true and thank goodness for editing because some of the stuff Brian and I talked about was more than a little ridiculous. However there is one more question! A glorious "What if?" that I hope you'll enjoy to the best of your ability. Enjoy, damn you!

Buffyfest: What if Joss gives you the blessing to make an actual Angel: After the Fall movie but you can only keep one of the original stars. Who do you keep and who do you cast to replace the rest?

Brian Lynch: I think you'd have to keep Angel if it's called ANGEL. But fans wouldn't accept anyone else as SPIKE so he's not in it.

Buffyfest: Marsters would be easier to get

Brian Lynch: I could get David Bananas, don't you worry. But it's called ANGEL, so we need ANGEL. Right? Well, if the movie is called ANGEL:AFTER THE FALL, and we don't have Angel in it, that would be weird. If we go with James, it will be called SPIKE. You said it had to be called ANGEL.

Buffyfest: I did. Unless it's the Spike movie that you want to make. I'll allow the option.

Brian Lynch: Well I would kill to do SPIKE:ASYLUM.

Buffyfest: Alright, perfect. You get Marsters and then you're wide open to cast everyone ele as you see fit.

Brian Lynch: James as Spike, Michael Keaton as the voice of Betta George. If Beck was older, Jewel Staite. If Beck is younger, hmmmm. Give me one moment. See, I don't know many teen actresses. Are there any good actresses on GOSSIP GIRL or something. Brunettes?

Buffyfest: I watch Gossip Girl, actually. Much better than watching, say, Melrose Place...

Brian Lynch: Wait, the girl from VAMPIRE DIARIES, that was also on DEGRASSI. She's not too bad. Though the whole vampire of it all might be weird. Pick your favorite GOSSIP GIRL, then. And go with her

Buffyfest: I actually kind of like the girl from Zombieland: Emma Stone

Brian Lynch: Oh good call. Duh. Yeah. She's great. You win this round.

Buffyfest: I do indeed

Brian Lynch: Alright, I have to go cry.

And there you have it. Surely, one of the most fascinating and important moments of your life and mine!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Buffyfest Interviews the Lovely Miracle Laurie

It was Sunday morning and Tara and I were sitting in a gigantic pier. Were we taking a boat trip on the Hudson? Nope. We were at Big Apple Con, where we were lucky enough to meet Miracle Laurie of Dollhouse fame. In case you live in a hobbit hole, she plays active Mellie/November/Madeline. After playing a bit of the new Super Mario game for the Wii, we hunkered down into her autographing area and got down to interviewing business.

Bitsy: This is Buffyfest and we're doing an interview here with Miracle Laurie here at Big Apple Con.

Tara: Big Apple Comic Con.

Bitsy: Yes! Or that. Alright, so the first question is: So you've been pegged as being a little bit of an optimist. Let's say, theoretically, since people are trying to make that Dollhouse technology into a reality, do you think there's any chance that it can be used positively? Or is it always going to end in tears?

Miracle Laurie: Well, we actually have done a couple engagements on the show where it is pro bono, where they go and do good things in the yes, I do think so. Is it morally right no matter what? Probably not. (laughs) It's nice that they use it for good sometimes but really that's not what it comes down to.

Listen to the audio of the next part below:

Bitsy: Speaking of technology, talking about one thing everybody uses, you use twitter a lot now...

Miracle: I'm a big tweeter! Yeah!

Tara: So am I!

Bitsy: Yep, we all kind of do the tweet.

Miracle: I resisted all of that kind of stuff in the beginning, just because it's not in my nature at all. And I realized it's kind of necessary and actually quite fun and I've really started to enjoy connecting with everybody.

Bitsy: Yeah, you've connected with a couple of fans now, haven't you?

Miracle: Oh definitely yeah! One in particular - Madelaine Anne is a name that sticks out - and she follows me on twitter and replies to me a lot. She was actually here today and I got a picture with here. So it's fun to put the faces with the names and the handles and stuff. And I just want to tell everyone: even if I don't respond to your replies, I read EVERYTHING. I read everything that people say to me, everything on Facebook. I check it all out every day. I have to get better at replying to everyone but...but I'm there I watch, I listen!

Bitsy: Do you think that twitter played a part, like the campaigns that happened in helping Dollhouse get renewed for that second season?

Miracle: Oh hell yeah! Oh definitely...yeah absolutely. I think that everyone's efforts - The facebook efforts, twitter and all the websites like you guys and everyone else, really added up and became quite the powerhouse that FOX had to reckon with. And they did and they made the right decision.

Listen to the audio of the next part below:

Bitsy: Alright, so I was going to ask you since I know that you were at least a fan of some of the other shows, a hypothetical question. Let's say, if you could play ANY part in any Joss Whedon show other than the one you play now, what would it be and why?

Uh, (laughs) Uh, if I were a man I'd love to play Spike! I thought he was like the hottest, coolest character...super fun and just cool leather jacket, very old school. And I love all the stuff they got him to do when they did all the flashbacks with Angel and all that stuff. I thought that was really, really fun. So he was pretty cool. Or Willow. She's just straight up badass.

Bitsy: Nice!

Tara: Great answer.

Miracle: Goofy and badass at the same time.

Tara: That's a good segue to Buffy. So you're a Buffy fan.

Miracle: Yes.

Tara: What's your favorite Buffy episode?

Miracle: It's not very creative. I love the Musical cause who doesn't? I've never been to a screening, though. I'm sure you know that they do actual screenings.

Tara: Oh yeah.

Miracle: I'd love to go to that. I love the Musical..I love The Body, I thought that was like INCREDIBLE tv making. I thought Sarah was amazing in that episode. Those are probably my top 2.

Tara: Do you have a favorite season, favorite arc?

Miracle: I really enjoy the middle. Towards the end of the last season it got a little sketchy for me.

Bitsy: Oh really, season 7 was a little sketch?

Miracle: Yeah, I mean I watched every second of it, I cried at the last episode because it was over...but I really enjoyed the middle chunk a lot.

Bitsy: I know you watch Fringe and you watch, what is it, Amazing Race? Those are the two I've seen you tweet about.

Miracle: Yes.

Bitsy: I do research. That's right, I looked at your twitter at five o'clock in the morning.

Tara: (laughing) That's your research.

Bitsy: Hard at work. Anything else that you watch? Any movies that you like?

Miracle: I love Lost. I was into it in the very beginning and then the polar bear and I was like "What the hell is happening?" and I left again. My friend was like "You don't understand, it's totally worth it, it you're gonna love it". I got back into it and I just freaked out. I thought it was amazing. So, I'm totally addicted as is my fiance.

Bitsy: Are you gonna be sad? It ends this year. This is the end.

Miracle: I know. Let's see. Sunday television is Amazing Race, nothing on Mondays or Tuesdays for me, Wednesdays is America's Next Top Model. I don't really watch for the drama because really they're all like twelve year old girls, just obnoxious, but...I love all their challenges, I love all the photo shoots and I used to model, so I kind live vicariously through them and remember the good old days.

Tara: I was about to ask if that was the reason.

Miracle: Yeah, it's really fun to watch. Thursdays is Fringe and Project Runway.

Bitsy: That's my favorite reality tv show

Miracle: Fridays is Dollhouse, of course, and that's pretty much it. That's my appointment television. I love rewatching movies I've seen about a thousand times. I love old stuff like "I Love Lucy".

Bitsy: Cool. Do you think you can be objective when you watch Dollhouse? Like, do you watch and say "I liked this, I didn't like that" or is it impossible?

Miracle: It's difficult sometimes. I think I can be objective about myself which is odd. Like some actors cannot watch themselves. I don't mind it. It doesn't feel like I'm watching me. I don't know if I have like a split personality or something that I can just separate but it's fun to just look and say "ew, that's not so good" or "wow, that turned out great". Like for example, when I saw my first episode this season as Madeline with Paul, I was really worried it would really read as Mellie and Paul and that any kind of flirtation would be residual and left over and I didn't feel that way. I felt it was a totally different relationship.

Bitsy: What's the hardest thing you've had to do on the show so far and what do you think is the easiest?

Miracle: One of the hardest scenes for me that stands out is when I had to tell Paul that I was a doll. It was very expositional and I couldn't have a feeling about what I was saying either way vs. nine episodes of working with this guy and just being in love with him all the time and all this emotion and I had to have none in front of this guy that I have this relationship with and Tahmoh was so great in that episode his heart was breaking in front of me for like three hours and I couldn't react to him and it was a lot of dialogue it was like a four or five page scene and it was a lot. It was just very weird to be that neutral in that situation. As a doll you are in doll mode and your in the clothes and in the (doll)house, this is like Mellie/ Paul land which is rife with all kinds of crap and I had to go and do that sequence and so that was really tricky for me and very emotional. Easiest Stuff? I dunno...

Tara: Nothing

Bitsy: Being in bed with Tahmoh Pennikett,

Miracle: Well. (laughs) No he made it comfortable for me. Like that and the fight scenes would be very challenging but I think I was just excited to be there and do the work. It's all been fun and easy and challenging on it's own level. It's just been a total dream.

Tara: You were a model and I’m assuming you’re still into fashion.

Miracle: Not really.

Tara: Do you like how they dress you on the show?

Miracle: Yeah, I do. I should say that I was modeling when I was twelve to fourteen, but I was freakishly tall and had a mature face. So I worked as an adult, but I was still a kid. I was never one of the girls that looked at the magazines and said, “I’m gonna model some day.” It was never really a dream of mine, I always wanted to act and someone approached me in a supermarket and said I should be a model. She took pictures of me and sent them to the manager and the owner and they loved me. So, I started working. It was really, really great, but I did it because I thought it would be a doorway into acting.

You know, I can barely dress myself to be honest with you. I’m just like hippy, hula girl who would rather be barefoot and in a sarong, but working on the show I’ve been educated on many different designers because I’ve worn them. Shoes!? Who knew? I normally hate shoes, but I’m starting to realize how important they are and how fabulous they can be. So, I’m very excited to say that now I’m slowly coming into the fashion world as an educated human being.

Tara: Barefoot, no more.

Bitsy: So, we’re here at a comic book convention. If you could have any superpower which would it be?

Miracle: Oh, flight. Since I was a kid I wanted to fly. I still think it’s possible some day. I don’t know how I’m going to work it out.

Bitsy: Do you have the flight dreams? Dreams of you flying?

Miracle: I have never. Isn’t that ridiculous? Since I can remember, I wanted to fly, but I’ve never dreamt of flying. I daydream...but I don’t need to be like Superman, I just want to fly above traffic. Like, I could just be at building level, it doesn’t have to be anything crazy.

Bitsy: So if we got you like a little Jetson’s flying car, would that be satisfying?

Miracle: That’d be awesome or just a little shuttle pack or a jet pack or I could just hover, like a hoverboard from Back to the Future.

Bitsy: Oh, the Back to the Future 2 hoverboard? I like that one.

Miracle: Yeah, that would work for me.

Bitsy: Couldn’t go on water, though.

Miracle: That’s okay. I just want to be above the ground and feel that sensation.

Tara: Ok, we want to do a quick word association. We’ll give you a word and you give us a word.

Miracle: Okay.

Buffyfest: You don’t have to think too much, just blurt it out.

Miracle: OK

Listen to the audio of the Whedonverse Word Association below:

Buffyfest: The Whedon Fandom.

Miracle: Awesome.

Buffyfest: Paul Ballard

Miracle: Hot.

Buffyfest: New York City.

Miracle: Probably my favorite city in the world.

Buffyfest: Serenity (the movie).

Miracle: Almost in it, I think. (laughs)

Buffyfest: Really?!

Miracle: Yeah, I’m not giving one word answers, sorry. (laughs)

Buffyfest: What! Do you know who you were going to play?

Miracle: I don’t know, no. It was a very weird situation, but I think I was almost in it, yeah. Keep going!

Buffyfest: You're like "Moving on!" OK. Faith, the Vampire Slayer.

Miracle: Echo.

Buffyfest: The Dollhouse.

Miracle: Home.

Thanks so much to Miracle Laurie! Click here to follow Miracle on twitter, if for some reason you're not already!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Joss Whedon To Direct an Episode of the Hit Show 'Glee'

Michael Ausiello gets the Whedon-ey scoop once again. This time the juicy exclusive is that Joss Whedon will direct one of the back nine episodes of the much loved show Glee (FOX). NOBODY PANIC! This does NOT mean that Dollhouse has been passed over for it's own back nine. We REALLY wouldn't want that to happen. Especially us here at Buffyfest. We are very supportive of Dollhouse...Michelle in particular.


Joss himself commented about the news on Whedonesque a short time ago saying:

"Whom will I kill? When will that go away? Is death really the only thing I'm known for? I'd hope not. You know how many people in the world actually die? ALL OF THEM. You know how many I've killed? Statistically, somewhat fewer. Can't we focus on another element of my work? Having said that, probably Principal Figgins. (No! I kid! God.)"

...amongst other things. Oh Joss Whedon, you murdering prankster you. Go to Whedonesque for his full statement. Fun stuff.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Holy Geekery! Dr. Horrible and The Guild Screening in Los Angeles

I've been to a bunch of Whedonverse events in the past few years, but Friday night was my first experience on the West Coast. The Guild and Dr. Horrible screenings were held at the awesome Egyptian Theater right in the heart of Hollywood. When we first got to this sold out event, we found our seats about 10 rows back and surrounded by a lovely bunch of people including Joel Champagne (great name), the West Side Browncoat extraordinaire! We were serenaded with the music from OMWF while we waited and fun fact, while Ivan was getting me popcorn, he saw Dichen Lachman standing in the ticket line. No guest list, I guess? Envor Gjokaj was also in attendence (so handsome) and there was a rumor that Amy Acker was there, but I saw no such sighting.

Check out this adorable mini Dr. Horrible who probably had more requests for photos than Joss Whedon himself.

They screened the entire Season 2 of The Guild and the music video "Do you want to Date My Avatar?" I had never seen The Guild before and I really enjoyed it. I'll be checking out the rest of the Seasons in the very near future.

After Dr. Horrible was finished and I cried over Penny's death for the millionth time, it was time for questions. Check out the video below for some of the panel discussion. There were some technical difficulties with shakiness and, unfortunately, the battery died 3/4 of the way through, but there's some fancy notes to enjoy even further down the page with all the info from the night.

- Felicia Day is an online gaming addict and after an intervention by a friend she quit playing. Shortly after, she started shooting The Guild in her house.

- Joss Whedon said Dr. Horrible was partly inspired by The Guild, the writer's strike and because he's a nerd.

- Dr. Horrible took 5 months in total from inception to streaming. it took 6 days to shoot and a few weeks to do the music.

- Ben Edlund (love him) was supposed to be part of Dr. Horrible, but he wasn't available at the time of production. Wonder if there would have been puppets?

- When The Guild first started shooting, none of the cast knew the gaming terms (except for Felicia Day) and they had to study up on their pronunciation.

- Fun Whedon family fact: Joss Whedon used to direct his brother's in movies when he was 8 years old. "Stupid Man" was the title of young Whedon's early film (cute).

After the panel discussion, the floor was opened up to the audience for questions:

- The first was the inevitable question of "Will there be a Dr. Horrible II?" The answer was "maybe" and they have "high hopes". They do have a title already, some songs and "3 1/2 jokes" written.

- Someone asked how Joss incorporates color theory into his filming. His answer, "Color is awesome."

- Felicia Day either can't poop when she drinks coffee or drinks coffee so she can poop. It wasn't clear enough to decipher.

- A fan asked if Joss could save the show Heroes. Zach Whedon answered that question with the awesome: "No one can save Heroes."

- Dr. Horrible was edited on Avid.

- Someone asked about the future of "rogue" entertainment on the internets. Joss said he tells people to get their friends together and do some funny stuff and he always gets the same reply of "...but you're friend is Nathan Fillion." Probably easier to shoot an internet film with Mal/Caleb/Capt. Hammer as your sidekick.

- One person asked if they could be friends with the panel. Joss responded, "Sadly, our quota is filled."

- Jed Whedon responded to a music composition question. He first writes the music and hopes for the lyrics to follow and if all else fails, he asks Joss to write some of it.

- A person wanted to know the title of the Dr. Horrible sequel. Joss wouldn't reveal, but they did come up with a few alternatives like Dr. Horrible: The College Years and Live Free or Dr. Horrible. Ha!

- A proud Firefly fan asked Joss what it is about him that makes us so invested in his work. Joss answered with a humble, "When you find out, let me know."

- There will be a Dr. Horrible: Commentary soundtrack released in the near future.

- As we all know, Cabin in the Woods will now be in 3D, but we'll have to wait another 11 months to see it.

So, that about covers the event and all its eventfulness. Oh, one more thing, check out the picture below and enjoy the irony my fellow Buffyfest Bloggers!

fanvid sunday: cover song edition

In lieu of the usual fanvid sunday, I thought I'd provide two very different cover versions of "(Do You Wanna) Date My Avatar". The first is from one of the many "girls on youtube with glasses who cover songs with their acoustic guitars that nerds like". Seriously, I feel like there's a million of these girls but I think this one is one of the best and nobody knows her.

And if college girls aren't to your liking then might I recommend a little Mario Paint style music?

I don't know why but I feel I could listen to Mario Paint covers of any song in the history of the universe. Honestly, clicking on one after another after another is a perpetuating quantum singularity that never fails to blissfully suck me into youtube hell. That's how you know Sundays are at the junction of Excitement Street and Wacky Avenue every Sunday in the Bitsy household. And speaking of Sundays, have a good one, everybody!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Brian Lynch Talks Angel Comics Part Two

Exclusive Angel Annual Image: The Hollywood Reimagining of LA's descent into Hell

As promised, we present the second half of our interview with Brian Lynch and, if you missed part one, find the crap out of that bad boy right here. In the second half we talk about his involvement in the Drusilla comic, the Spike ongoing, and a little man named Angry Naked Pat. Enjoy!

Buffyfest: Let's talk about the Drusilla book. You told us at NYCC that Juliet sent you these long, movie-style scripts when the idea of the two of you doing a comic together was originally proposed. The final result has very little dialogue. Was it hard transitioning her original scripts to what we ultimately saw on the page?

Brian Lynch: It really wasn't. The first issue was fun, she wrote the story and dialog, I helped transcribe it into comic script format, and futzed with some dialog, gave it back to her, she futzed with it and sent it to Chris. Second issue, we had the story mapped out, so she just want to town and tackled it. I had a little input, but mostly it was me just saying "yes that will work". So it might have been tough for her, but for me, it was fun and a breeze. She had a very clear vision of what she wanted, in script, art and even colors. I just helped her get there.

Buffyfest: Were there an ideas that were specifically yours?

Brian Lynch: Yeah, early on, when she and I talked about the plot on the phone, we went back and forth with story, I had input there. And the moments with the guard who was really working for someone else, who's job it was to keep Dru under wraps, that was my main contribution. Because I figured she'd need someone helping her keep Drusilla a secret, or else it would be very strange that none of these doctors and interns noticed Dru killing people or not going into sunlight. But man, Juliet had everything all ready. She had photos, plots, scripts. She should do another book, that girl is a dynamo. And she's insanely sweet. AND I don't know if you're aware, but she was also on BUFFY and ANGEL.

Buffyfest: HOLY CRAP, WHAT!?

Brian Lynch: Yeah I think she played Rose, Sunnydale's newest exchange student.

Buffyfest: Thank you for that bit of minutia which will surely come in handy when playing Buffy Trivial Pursuit

Brian Lynch: Not a problem.

Buffyfest: How about the ending of that story? You'd mentioned Spike would see Dru during his ongoing. Is that still happening? Where is she?

Brian Lynch: You know, I'm not sure if Dru and Spike will meet up during my run. I feel as though Juliet should that story if she wants. Is that a cop-out?

Buffyfest: total cop-out

Brian Lynch: She and James should write it together.

Buffyfest: That would sell a lot of books

Brian Lynch: The story I have for Spike doesn't feature Drusilla coming in, but I only have, I think 10 mapped out. If I go beyond that, maybe. Unless Spike dies in issue 10.

Buffyfest: Shh... don't even mention that!

Brian Lynch: Okay.

Buffyfest: Are you thinking of bringing Spider into the Spike ongoing?

Brian Lynch: The ongoing will be called SPIKE & SPIDER 4EVA. She's not in my outline, but things can change. Especially since you just shoved her to the forefront of my mind. So you're to blame.

: I'll take it. I liked Spider and I know you had some ideas for her way back when during NYCC.

Brian Lynch: I haven't decided on Spider yet. She's not planned for the series, but as I'm writing, who knows. I am unpredictable and lovely. But I think SPIKE is my last trip in the Whedonverse, so I'm trying to make it count. It's going to be good.

Buffyfest: Anything you want to share or are you keeping it all close to the vest for now?

Brian Lynch: Hmmmm. It's Spike completely in charge of his life for the first time in a long time. He's not following anyone, he's the master of his own destiny. With cameos from all your favorites! And maybe Spider! What I have planned is very dark and very heart-wrenching, but then there's funny stuff too. It's an epic Spike story. It's a lot of little Spike stories that build to an epic Spike story. It's Spike if Spike got his own TV show. But with a movie-sized budget every month. It starts with Spike falling into Joss Whedon's well and ends with a marriage to Spider. Fans will love it.

Buffyfest: If by "fans" you mean "me", then you're correct, sir.

Brian Lynch: That's exactly what I meant.

Buffyfest: I have a question that will please only the most geekiest of geeks. What would have happened in Short Bus to Glory Part Two had it gotten made? (This is in reference to the Angry Naked Pat Animated Web Series)

Brian Lynch: Pat got to assemble his team of special kids that fought against Kevin's team of special kids (which were all celebrities like George Lucas and Fred Durst) and it became a kinda parody of Scooby Doo's Laugh-O-Lympics. Thank you for that question. I so very much want to do more ANGRY NAKED PAT stuff.

Buffyfest: I want to see it.

Brian Lynch: I do too! I want Dave Crosland, the artist on EVERYBODY'S DEAD, to do an ANGRY NAKED PAT comic series. What's weird is, I was talking to Robert Kirkman via email and he said "Are you guy that used to do ANGRY NAKED PAT?" so I guess some people remember.

Buffyfest: I'm really not surprised. It was a good webcomic and the cartoon was great too.

Brian Lynch: I really should bring it back. A decision has been made! This interview was life changing for SO many reasons.

Buffyfest: Truly we have shared a moment

Brian Lynch: Many, many.

Buffyfest: That will alter who we are forever. Shill for Party Truck on your way out!

Brian Lynch: Everyone go to Itunes and subscribe to PARTY TRUCK USA. We talk about all kinds of geeky stuff and make fun of it. If you love me in I-Mterview form, you'll super love me x 10 in podcast form.

Buffyfest: Excellent. Well interviewed, Mister Bond

Brian Lynch: Well interviewered.

A huge thanks to Brian for talking with us. Remember you can check out his blog here and follow him on twitter here. Most importantly, though, you can find all the information you need at comixology for when you reserve the Angel Annual.

Chinese Dragon Tattoo Design

Chinese dragon tattoos and meanings
By Graeme Wheeler

It is believed that a mythical creature developed appearance of the totem poles from many different tribes in China. It also merged the tribes, the different features of the dragon took the emergence of the figure. Chinese dragon is believed to have evolved over time to integrate the features of 9 animals to become a mythical creature it is today. These features include:

• Horns of a deer.

• Chairman of the sentences

Eye • the devil

• neck of a snake

• Stomach of clams

• the balance of fish, sea bream

• from the claws of eagle

• tiger slippers.

Ears • cow

The combination of these features together and you have the Chinese dragon, a very popular tattoo design through the ages until now and forever.

It is common to many Middle Eastern images of the Chinese dragon to show the pearl or thunder the ball under the chin - and represents good luck and wisdom. Some pictures also show the Chinese dragon with wings of bats, although the Dragons are able to fly without wings.

Chinese dragon tattoo meanings

Chinese dragon tattoo dates back to centuries, which adds to its appeal and mystic. It is a symbol of mystery, strength, wisdom and good faith. This is the dragon good luck and significantly associated with a number nine, and there are nine sections of the dragon. The qualities and loyalty to the courage and strength.

Chinese dragon is a mythical creature of God, which is still evil spirits. They have a strong relationship with the authorities in China. And declare itself a Chinese "Long De Chuan Ren" or the descendants of the dragon because when the first Emperor Huang Di died, (which was considered by the Chinese, ancestor), legend has it turned into a dragon and a rose into the sky. This leads to the Chinese dragon to become a symbol of power and imperial power. Five fingers the Chinese dragon was reserved for the emperor alone. That the peasants would wear these symbols to be put to death.

These creatures have 117 tables, 81 of these tables Yang (positive) and 36 of Yin (negative), and the dragon is a creature Yang.

Legend says that the dragon originated in China and spread throughout the region, and get as far as Japan. The Chinese Dragon and five fingers, and Korean dragon has four fingers, and as you get further away, such as Japan, and the dragon and three toes. It was not possible for dragons to go beyond Japan and lose any fingers more than that.

Chinese dragon is believed to have the power to control the water, such as seas, rivers, waterfalls and the like. Water flows associated with the rise of a dragon. When he spoke of droughts or floods, it was common to have the sacrifices made by the dragon to placate them. Legend has it that the dragon has the ability to drag and drop burst of rain. If they are angry, they can cause flooding.

Beauty of design, coupled with a stunning red, black and green colors make the Chinese dragon tattoo design are very popular.

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Chinese Dragon Tattoo Art

Dragon Tattoo Art - Finding the printable forms for Dragon Tattoos
By Peter Naughty

Dragon tattoo art was one of the most sought after designs, especially among lovers mutual male. Creature, in spite of the mythical non-existent has strong symbolism attached to it, not to mention the technical challenge when she signed on the body of one.

Dragon tattoos can represent two different meanings depending on how you are portrayed. In the West, and that it is an object of evil and mean winged fire breathing and guards caves with gold and jewelry. Those who want to get the treasures that slaying the dragon first. In this case, dragon tattoos can mean fear, strength, courage and strength of will.

Other symbolic of dragon tattoo art is good luck and wealth and wisdom and how they appear to be in the east. In China, the main code during the celebration of Chinese New Year is also believed that they achieve prosperity and good and good faith. The tattoo design can mean the intelligence, protection, balance and harmony.

Dragon tattoos are very adaptable and flexible body art looks great and the large areas of the body such as the arm and rib cage, chest, back and shoulder. It could be the last one took place in such colors as red and green while others opt for a plain black ink in contact with some of the tribes. Can be portrayed as a monster frightening or similar, charming and kind, and even the small and innocent. It all depends on the type of message the person you want to portray sports tattoos.

When it comes to resources necessary for the design dragon tattoo art, is always better to do your research first before buying one. Read the reviews on the Internet for membership tattoo gallery which are being promoted and see which one suits your needs.

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

The Chinese Dragon Tattoo - What does it mean?
By Marie Wilson

Dragon tattoos are the most popular mythical creature called for in tattoo shops. People find themselves intrigued with their power, grace and spirituality. History and traditions of the Dragon is steeped in almost every culture throughout the world. This makes them interesting to note that almost anyone regardless of whether they were or were not even consider a tattoo. Dragon temptation is especially true for the Chinese dragon tattoo. People simply can not tear their eyes away from it.

While the Dragon is shown in the tales of blood are often harsh and hungry for the fire breathing monsters, and the Chinese dragon symbolizes just the opposite. Affectionately called descendants of the Chinese people the dragon because the dragon is a smart, kind and full of good intentions. She was said to bring rain much needed. This is the snake-like dragon and often do not have wings. They also have five claws. The Chinese Dragon in a very specific design. To have 117 tables, 81 are positive (Yang) while 36 are negative (Ying).

There are more than 100 dragon named old. Choose one of the Chinese dragon tattoo will require a lot of research and a lot of patience. It's worth the effort to have the authentic tattoo that speaks personally to those who you are. Here are just a few examples for consideration to you. Jiaolong hornless dragon that is said to be the leader of all aquatic animals. Tianlong heavenly dragon said to guard the sky. Shenlong is the god of thunder, which control the weather and Longwang is the divine ruler of the sea four. There are many more - this is not only a taste!

There are also five dragons colored classified as kings. White Dragon pure utopia. The Black Dragon lurks the mystic in deep water, and the dragon fruit to give the Vermillion lakes, the Azure Dragon is the most compassionate of all the Yellow Dragon kindness listen to any appeals.

These kings are only some sub-categories falling into the Chinese dragon. Chinese dragon tattoo can be literally one of hundreds of historically portrayed.

Whatever the Chinese dragon tattoo you choose, please make sure it is done correctly, and good taste. It is taboo in Chinese culture to distort the dragon. It is seen as very disrespectful. In an attempt to be faithful to this entire process, and ensure that your tattoo artist has a good knowledge on this particular subject. Chinese dragon is a symbol of power and strength. It is revered and distortion is no doubt that it will reach the soft spot.

Dragon are some of the most beautiful creatures and mythical monarchy that was created than ever before. It is mysterious and compelling. These properties make them exceptional for tattoos. A Chinese dragon tattoo will become a piece of the conversation. If you do your research, you should be able to wow anyone with your knowledge on this subject. Will be pleasantly surprised with the amount of thought and preparation which was put into your tattoo. It will become more than just a masterpiece. Will become a statement about you and what you are.

Chinese Dragon Tatoo

About Chinese Dragon Tattoo - What Most People Don't Know But Should
By Fanyun Ding

Chinese dragon is a mythical divine beast originated from ancient Chinese folklores. It is now commonly depicted as a huge, serpentine, and scaled creature. Unlike "western dragon" that has been described as evil, Chinese dragon has long been symbolized as the power of auspice both in folklore and art. Created on the land of an agriculture-oriented country, Chinese dragon is believed to bring rain and water, which well explains the position it takes in Chinese culture.

For centuries, Chinese people proudly refer to themselves as "Long De Chuan Ren", or "Descendants of the Dragon". This ethnic identity is believed to originate from Huang Di, a benevolent, legendary emperor who was said to have been immortalized into a dragon. Since Huang Di is considered to be the ancestor of Chinese, hence the saying "Descendants of the Dragon".

Due to that Huang Di myth, Chinese dragon is also symbolized as an imperial power. For dynasties, emperors were referred to as "Long Zi" or "offspring of the dragon", who wore imperial robes with dragons drawn on and claimed to have a dragon birthmark as a divine authorization by heaven.

Chinese dragon is also among the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac, a special Chinese way of designating years. To be more specific, year 2000,1988,1976,1964,1952 or any year with a 12-year gap between would be year of the dragon. In order to be "like a dragon", there are more babies born in the years of dragon than in any other animal years of the Chinese Zodiac.

Given all the foresaid reasons, it is not hard to understand why Chinese dragon is so popular among tattoo lovers. In fact, if you happen to be born in those dragon years, it's much recommended that you get a dragon tattoo because you are born blessed to be connected with Chinese dragon.

Basically, Chinese dragon is being tattooed in two forms: picture and character. Some prefer to have their whole back area tattooed with a vivid picture of dragon, while others may be satisfied with the Chinese character of "dragon" tattooed within a one-inch square of area. For dragon picture tattoos, a careful selection of the picture as well as the tattoo artist would be enough to ensure a quality dragon tattoo. For dragon character tattoos, however, it takes efforts to find a great tattoo idea, since you have to take many factors into consideration, including the literal meaning, the "actual" meaning, and the "cultural meaning" of the word that you select. Well, that's just the tricky thing of Chinese.

Fortunately, there are many Chinese phrases that associate with the idea of Chinese dragon. Followings are three dragon-related Chinese idioms for your reference.

Shen Long Ma Zhuang/ Long Shen Ma Zhuang

Strong and energetic with an impressive bearing.

Both Shen Long Ma Zhuang and Long Shen Ma Zhuang are legitimate as an idiom, as in many cases Chinese characters can be reversed in words yet remain a similar meaning, just like this one.

Literally speaking, Shen means "magical, with divine power", Long means "dragon", Ma means "horse" and Zhuang means "strong". In Chinese culture, horse is considered intelligent, powerful and friendly to human, which therefore is used together with dragon in this idiom to describe the state of being strong and energetic.

What's worth noting, however, is that Long usually appears before Hu in expression, and it would seem weird when reversed. That being said, it would be a great idea to add Hu to your tattoo if your former choice was to ink Long alone, yet the right way to do this would be to ink "Long Hu", not "Hu Long".

Celtic Dragon Tattoos

Do Dragon Tattoos Fly in Your Celtic Heritage?
By Dan Thompson

If you're looking for a tattoo design that breathes fire, while depicting mystical strength and benevolence, the ancient dragon tattoo is the one for you. Dragons have been capturing the minds and hearts of people for centuries and still are, if the current popularity of dragon tattoos are any indicator of that continuing fascination.

The myths and legends around this flying creature can be found in many fairy tales and are part of the folklore of most ancient cultures. Usually, dragons are thought of as belonging to Asia, but the are part of the beliefs and mythology of cultures all over the world.

Dragons in Eastern cultures are associated with good luck, kindness, fertility and are considered protectors of the villages they fly over. The Western dragon is not so benevolent and is most often depicted as an evil destroyer of villages and a fire-snorting guardian of chests full of treasure hidden in deep caves on a mountaintop.

One of the more spiritual legends about dragons and their powers comes from the beliefs and superstitions of the ancient Celtic chiefs of Ireland. In their beliefs, dragons were symbols of power held by the Celtic tribal ruler. The title, "Pendragon," is the Celtic word for "Chief."

Though the Celts were one of the fiercest groups populating Europe in ancient times, they were spiritual in their relationship with the land around them. That spirituality carried over to Celtic dragons who were believed to influence the land and sites identified as dragon haunts were believed to possess special powers.

The ancient Druids, the priests of the ancient Celtic societies, thought the Earth resembled the body of a dragon, and that dragons were our spiritual connection with Earth's magnetism and healing waters. Some historians say they built their sacred stone circles where they believed the power nodes of the dragon's body existed.

The term "dragon" comes from the Greek word that translates to "to see clearly," which indicates the benevolent nature the Celts believed their dragons possessed, the gift of vision, wisdom and the ability to prophesize.

If you decide to decorate your body with a dragon tattoo, and your ancestry is Irish, stemming from the ancient Celtic tribes, you would be continuing the myths that survived a thousand years of wonderment and the magical powers of dragons. If you select the circular Celtic dragon swallowing its tail, your tattoo would symbolize eternal life.

Tattoo artists the world over are famous for beautiful dragon tattoos of all sizes and colors. Whether your choice of a dragon tattoo is one of the fire-snorting creatures that caste fear on the villagers or one that protected the land and promised eternal life, your body art is sure to be admired by all who see it.

Celtic Dragon Tattoo Designs

How many tattoos - Dragon, Tribal, Celtic, and Japanese Tattoos on your arms

By George Christodoulou

How many tattoos have become very popular in the past few years because it is a great way to tell a story or create a work or living art and expression. With different images that work together, and a person can raise a lot of emotions at the same time.

Dragon Tattoo

Dragon symbol of the wild fire and excitement. Entwined dragon tattoo how you can add color and red glow. Fire breathing dragon, flying over the arm can add real value to its amazing effect on any tattoo.

Tribal Tattoo

Such symbols with many meanings should be placed in the chest and shoulder to create a design worthy of this pattern. You can create an image only with this type of tattoo ink in a plain black. If you use colors on your arm and keep the black tribal tattoo you can create an amazing contrast.

Celtic Tattoos

In addition to Celtic symbols tattoo sleeves and adds a splash of culture to any part of the work. Who is the group of various symbols that you can use to transfer the meaning that you want.

Japanese Tattoo

Japanese symbols are a nice way to say many things at the same time. It is a symbol and one can express the meaning of peace on earth, or love for all. This is a good way to keep things simple to the eye but leave the mind to think about what you see.

Creating this kind of technical work takes time and effort. Many people at the tattoo quantity over many years, adding additional designs and symbols to think about it.

For this reason, you need to make sure everything is exactly as the picture in your mind. There is one design done in a way you do not like the thing can be destroyed completely, and leave you in regret.

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