Wednesday, September 30, 2009

We Have a Winner of the Buffy Episode Tournament!

September is over and here we are at the exciting finale of September Silliness! We want give a big thanks to everyone who participated in this tournament, by both voting and spreading the word throughout the internets. This was a fun one and really tough at times!

The results of this last match are even closer than March Madness, with the top ep winning by a mere 3 votes! It always gets so close at the end. Without further ado, we give you the favorite Buffy episode as voted by the fandom. drumroll....

Becoming, Part 2

She loved him, she abhorred him, she killed him. "Becoming Part 2" is an episode with a real emotional punch. Angel's spell worked, Willow's spell worked, and Buffy had to make a sacrifice worthy of a hero...heart-wrenching as it was. Add a little school expulsion and family issues, it's no wonder she couldn't do it a second time, when the issue became Dawn's sacrifice.

That might be how this episode took down the amazing singing and dancing that is "Once More, With Feeling". Congrats to both episodes for being so beloved by the fandom.

Click the image below to enlarge the entire filled in bracket.

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