Thursday, September 24, 2009

THE FINAL FOUR - September Silliness Buffy Episode Tournament


We're down to the final 4 Buffy episodes. Two are obvious and the other two are pretty remarkable having made it this far. The bracket made things funky, but these are the 4 outstanding eps. In fact, 3 out of the 4 left are listed in today's Television Without Pity article listing their top 20 episodes in the Whedonverse. Guess everyone is in agreement then! (Except me, wahhh about The Gift's elimination! She saved the world...a lot!) Ahem. Let's review what happened in The Elite Eight:

"Becoming Part 2" beat "Restless"
"Hush" beat "Innocence"
"Once More, With Feeling" pummled "Becoming Part 1"
"Doppelgangland" beat "Tabula Rasa"

So now it's pretty much:
Season 2 vs. Season 4
Season 6 vs Season 3

The Final Four has 2 matches and these last 2 rounds will go a little longer. Voting for this part ends Sunday at 11:59 pm EST, at which point the Championship top 2 will begin.

If you still need a refresher, click here for the full list of episodes and their descriptions.

The West
Location: Angel's Mansion

The East
Location: Cleveland Hellmouth

Happy Voting!

If your curious to see the entire bracket listing the entire tourney history, click here to enlarge:

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