Tuesday, September 22, 2009

September Silliness Buffy Episode Tournament: The Elite Eight


Just 8 episodes left! This Buffy episode tournament has really brought the surprises along the way. I thought I knew this fandom, I really did. After that last round, I'm kind of in shock. Let's review what happened in The Sweet Sixteen:

"Restless" beat "Consequences" clean and simple
"Becoming Part 2" beat "The Gift." Wow, "Becoming 2" is the ultimate game changing episode of the entire series, imo...but I never would've thought "The Gift" wouldn't make the top 8. "Becoming 2" better take the whole tourney after that drama.
"Hush" totally beat up "This Year's Girl" Story-wise, not sure I agree but I do get it.
"Innocence" edged out "Graduation Day pt 2" but it was very close.
"Becoming pt. 1" beat "Prophecy Girl" putting both of the eps in that particular 2-parter in the Elite 8!
"Once More, With Feeling" beat the epic writing and acting that is "The Body"...that was a toughie.
"Doppelgangland" beat "Surprise" aaaand now I'm really confused
and finally
"Tabula Rasa" took out "Band Candy." Well, the southeast Region "England" has always been the silliest of September Silliness

A few fun stats about The Elite Eight. Of the remaining episodes:
Seasons 2 is in the lead with 37.5% of the remaining eps from that season
Seasons 4 & 6 are both tied at 25% of the eps left
Season 3 went from the lead in The Sweet Sixteen to the bottom with 12.5%
Seasons 5 is now out
Season 1 is now out
Season 7 has been out. Season7fail

The Elite Eight has 4 matches and voting for this part ends Thursday at 11:59 pm EST, at which point the Final Four will begin. Good luck because these are impossible!

If you still need a refresher, click here for the full list of episodes and their descriptions.

Region 1: Sunnydale
Location: The Bronze

Region 2: LA
Location: Hemery High School

Region 3: Scotland
Location: Base at the Citadel

Region 3: England
Location: The Watcher's Council

If your curious to see the entire bracket so far (and what's up next), click here to enlarge:

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