Sunday, May 1, 2011

Reason for Lack of Updates

For starters I just want to apologize for the lack of updates again but a lot has happened in the past two weeks that I didn't feel I had to state here since it's very personal. But since I have a few people who leave ignorant and anonymous comments criticizing me, I just wanted them to know that my fiancé's grandmother died and this week was both her wake and funeral. It was unexpected and very heartbreaking. To top it off, and the reason for my further delay in posting, after her funeral brunch we found out that his aunt on his other side passed away as well. So I hope these two extremely horrible events are justification enough for those of you who feel the need to constantly be critical. Sorry for sounding mean and heartless, but I just can't help feeling a bit disappointed with some of the comments and emails I have gotten recently. I didn't forget about the blog, but my life does not revolve around the computer. I do have a family and a fiancé and I'm sorry but these personal issues are much more important to me than anything. Excuse me again for the rant, but this is getting a bit ridiculous.

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