Monday, May 9, 2011

I'm Back

Hey everybody:

I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who have been extremely supportive over the recent weeks. It's meant so much to me and also my fiance (I told him about your comments!). It's been an awful two months with the loss of three of our family members (1 of mine and 2 of his) but we've spent a lot of time together with our families helping each other through. There's no easy way to deal with loss but spending time with your loved ones sure does help!

As for the blog, I do apologize that I haven't been able to update but I've barely stepped foot near our computer desk. It's been so hectic that I've hardly had any time at all. But I just wanted to tell you all that I really appreciate how understanding you are and how dedicated a lot of you are to this blog. I never wanted to disappoint anyone, but I obviously had three really good reasons for my absence.

I am returning to the blog today and will hopefully not have to take anymore hiatus breaks in the near future... if I do, I'll definitely post a little note for all of you. I'm going to try and recap as much as I can before my fiance gets home and then tomorrow, I'm off all day so whatever I can't accomplish today will certainly be done tomorrow.

Thanks again for everything! Your comments, tweets, and emails have been a pleasant diversion to the craziness!

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