Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Spike ongoing writer, Brian Lynch, Answers Your Questions

For those who don't follow Brian Lynch on Twitter (and why don't you?) he occasionally goes to mindspring and takes on any question that he is asked.  I can tell you that he is finally gearing up to get the Spike book out soon and the things I have heard will make Spike fans very excited and happy.  Keep in mind, you can ask him absolutely anything whether it be about his comics or, if you're like me, something that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.  From his last Q&A session:

Q: In 1984, Clara Peller asked one of the most important philosophical questions of the human era.  It's a question many have answered but few have truly understood.  With that in mind I pose the query to you: Brian, where's the beef?

A: It was in you, all along.

You can see all the questions he's answered so far here and keep an eye out for the next time he's accepting questions on twitter.

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