Saturday, April 3, 2010

Clearing Up Some Dark Horse News

With all the information coming out about Whedonverse comics this weekend it's hard to keep up, but some Dark Horse news from WonderCon today confused us. We spoke to Super Scott Allie this evening and it seems as if some of those things are either not new or not entirely accurate. Here's a run down:

Confirming S9 is old news, Scott has been quoted as such quite a few times now in previous interviews. Also, no specific creative decisions have been made about the length or style of Buffy Season 9, nor has an artist been finalized. Georges has said publicly he'd like to be involved somehow, but it doesn't sound like he'll be the main artist.

Finally, regarding the Dollhouse comic announcement, Dark Horse mentioned Dollhouse a while back, but has taken that announcement back repeatedly over the last five months. There is nothing new to report about it at this time. Hope that clears things up!

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