Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Shoes for Ladies and Gents

Today’s guide to shoes Desiree Stimpert wrote this very nice article about my artwork. Of course I am most grateful for the kind words and the fact she purchased two of my pieces: one from my shoe art gallery and Times Square, New York City. Great choices on two artworks I enjoyed creating.
Classic Shoes
Shoes for ladies

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Terrible Two: March Madness Whedonverse Character Tourney - The Worst of the Lot

Holy shazbot!  It's the end, but the moment has been well prepared for... by poll daddy.  Sidebar: poll daddy is a number one jam.

So this is it, the dirty dos.  In two days we'll know, through the extremely scientific mode that is fan polling, who the worst of the worst in the Whedonverse is.  Before we get there though, let's reveal two folks who got the call from the governor just before we could pull the switch.

Kathy Newman - You really went the distance, didn't you?  You're a testament to just how much people hate cohabitation with Celine Dion fans.  Lesson learned: French Canadians are the devil.
Parker - I will never have sex with you, Parker.  Your eyebrows filled me with rage.  Get out of here before me and Buffy bust out the caveman clubs.

Here we go.  It's the dude with no skin vs. the dude who has sex with his dad's cast-offs.  Who will get an honorary degree in horribleness.  Cast your vote and make it count!

It will end in 48 hrs this time - April 2nd at 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time. Check out the opponents below and if you're playing, make sure to click the name you DISLIKE.
Click here to view the full Tournament Bracket, updated with the winners so far.


Monday, March 29, 2010

April Fools Day Comments For Myspace

April Fools Day Comments & April Fools Day Graphics for MySpace, Tagged, Facebook, MyYearbook, Hi5, Friendster & more. Free April Fools Day Pictures graphics and glitters for orkut, myspace, friendster, facebook, wordpress, xanga, bebo, blog or website..

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We Don't Always Post the Comic Preview Pages

...but these seem particularly intriguing. Spoilers below for the Buffy issue out next Wednesday, April 7th! Click below to enlarge:

See? Ooooh, with the drama and the funny and the worried and the confusion. Things are not going to go well, my people. Not well at all.

Courtesy of Newsarama.

Here's sneak peak into what we thought:

Michelle: So Willow is just guessing about what Giles know, right?
Tara: I'm not sure, but it seems as if she's just talking about feeling an energy in the air, right?
Bitsy: I assumed that Willow has known since the end of the last issue tanks to the power of ZOMG magic.

Michelle: Is the Rorchach inkblot supposed to represent Buffy and Angel kissing?
Tara: I thought the same thing!
Bitsy: I wonder if it's supposed to be a test for the fans. Some people see Buffy and Angel kissing while others see their worst nightmares come to life while I sit in a plush chair in front of a fireplace, sipping chianti and laughing maniacally.

Michelle: Why are Warren and Andrew still here? Their stupid fight gave me a flashback to the annoying-ness of their stupid fights in Season 6.
Tara: Agree! Actually, as soon as I saw Warren walk in with his stupid skinless self I was like WTF is he even doing in this whole season! UGH! Wish he wins the tourney!
Bitsy: I think that Warren and Andrew are comic book nerds and that this book is written and edited by comic book nerds so it's not surprising seeing them take up some of the stage. I found it pretty amusing myself and you know how I feel about those two.

Michelle: Love "Ben is Glory."
Tara: Love
Bitsy: Love Angel Music Baby - the solo album by Gwen Stefani.

Michelle: Xander's "Angel is a douche and I am inferior" complex is boiling up in this preview.
Tara: He is SUCH a douche! Although I did chuckle a little when he said "Willow do a spell!"
Bitsy: I guess I'm a citizen of douche city because I totally got where he was coming from. If I were Xander, I'd probably be on full offensive.

Michelle: Willow's line "With these two being apart as long as they have" reminds me of Cordelia's comment about them in "I Will Remember You"
Tara: This is the one thing that actually annoyed me, though. They haven't been apart that long (1.5 yrs plus how ever long S.8 has been) and they weren't all like this during "Forever" or "End of Days" so WTF?
Bitsy: I thought the Comics take place like two years after the tv finale? It's been a while, I think and, plus, some stuff has happened in season eight. Like lots and lots of stuff. Conclusion? Stuff.

Michelle: Is that drawing of Buffy and Angel from the past or now? They look young (and the drawing of Angel is horrible)
Tara: Agree that the Angel drawing is terrible...thought the same thing.
Bitsy: It does look really off. I think Georges is still struggling with drawing Angel.

Michelle: I love Buffy's voice over and how it coincides/juxtaposes with what's happening in the story. So creepy.
Tara: Totally, it's so dark and moody and she's so happy and the whole thing is whacked out in a great way!
Bitsy: It's the side of Buffy I've been hoping to see, the side of her that's just had enough and will embrace a chance at happiness even if it means pain for everyone later. Can't say I blame her.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Failure Four - March Madness Whedonverse Character Tourney: The Worst of the Lot

I was going to say "The Fearsome Four" but, at this point, it's best not to kid ourselves.  These final four contestants represent the absolute bottom of the class, like telemarketing knock-off Snuggies to the elderly kind of bad.  Before we can yell at them for calling us during dinner, though, we need to bid a fond adieu to the four who only barely escaped by the skin of their fictional teeth.

Senator Helen Bruckner -  I never thought she was so bad.  I mean... it's not like she's (insert Sarah Palin or Hillary Clinton depending upon your party affiliation here) or something!  Am I right?
Gwendolyn Post - You knocked out Giles.  Congratulations on accomplishing something that happens like every third episode, lady.
Rack - Just a general note: telling a girl she tastes like strawberries makes you super gross master 5000.  Also?  Your name means "boobies".
Numero Cinco - I've got a soft spot for the Number Brothers, myself.  Why Numero Cinco got treated like a steaming pile of numero dos, I'll never understand.  Adios, mi amigo.

This poll will end in 48 hrs this time - March 30th at 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time. Check out the opponents below and if you're playing, make sure to click the name you DISLIKE.
Click here to view the full Tournament Bracket, updated with the winners so far.


Now onto the Fail Four. It's a Celine Dion fan, roommate from a super lame hell dimension vs. a robot-making, murdering, date rapist and a really bad one-night stand vs. a prophecized child from two vampires who has a bit of a lady's haircut.  Begin!

Unique Silver Jewellery

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

B is for Buffy!

This is the most amazingly geeked out alphabet with some great art to boot. Check out Neil Cameron's "A-Z of Awesomeness" which is a damn near perfect gift, people. Our affinity to the letters "B" and "J" are obvious, of course.

If you'd like to purchase a poster of the full alphabet, click here. All profits are donated to SSNAP (Support for the Sick Newborn And their Parents), a charity which supports the Intensive Special Care Nurseries (Neonatal Unit) at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Gemini Tattoos Pictures and Review

A tattoo of a Celtic Gemini is much more elaborate with Celtic knots and patterns intermingled with the simple Gemini twin symbol. They are usually found in only black ink with some occasional fading around the lines, but they can also be very colorful and lively.
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