Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Twitter Drive for Can't Stop the Serenity!

We'll be donating .10 for every new Twitter follower from now until the NYC CSTS event this Sunday! Bitsy and I are attending that event and we'll give the Browncoats of NYC the loot right there and then!

But wait, there's more! 2009 Global Organizer Anne Barringer has told us she'll personally match our donation. Miss Fabulosity! So every new follower will now be .20 for Equality Now. Yay and Po-ta-toes to giving!

Get in on the action and follow us on Twitter here:  twitter.com/buffyfest

If Twitter's not your thing, check out Anne's donation announcement today on Facebook over here: http://apps.facebook.com/causes/150518/2050548?m=f276e9a3

By the way, our new direct Facebook url is Facebook.com/Buffyfest

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