Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Nick Brendon, You So Crazy

Former Xander Harris and now resident Whedonverse train wreck, Nicholas Brendon, was the LA police. How rude! Cops having tasers? I'm just saying. But apparently, Nicky was a bit out of his gourd. From TMZ:

"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" star Nicholas Brendon fell short in the slaying department a few hours ago, after he allegedly swung at a couple of cops, and then went on a misguided foot chase.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ they received a call that a drunk man was causing a commotion in Venice, CA. When police responded, sources say Brendon took a swing at cops.

Brendon was tased twice, subdued and taken to a hospital.

He's currently being booked for felony vandalism -- for allegedly damaging some property during the fracas.

Read more:

HAHA! A foot chase!

An even better story is when I saw Nicholas Brendon at Koi my first time in LA. He was sitting right next to me. In actuality, could've been his twin Kelly though. Needless to say, Whedonverse folks being the only celebrities I would even care about seeing in real life, I was freaking out. Much like Nick Brendon must be right about now. Good luck with that, buddy!

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