Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 Top Ten Best Moments of the Whedonverse - Buffyfest Edition

It's that time of year again, one of reflection on the past 365 days in the Whedonverse. Here's a look back at the Top Ten Best Moments of 2009 - Buffyfest Edition. Happy New Year, Everyone!

#1 - Dr. Horrible Wins an Emmy
As it should. Plus, there was an awesome appearance by the cast of Dr. Horrible, too. Good times.

#2 - New York Comic Con 2009
Oh boy, was this a bit of craziness mixed with amazing. It was out first year covering the convention and we got to interview Super Scott Allie, the Amazing Brian Lynch and Buffy's own Amber Benson. We also heard Joss speak and I was inappropriately touched by a blind man, but that's a story for another day.

#3 - Buffyfest 2009
It was the year of the Guerilla Drive-in. We thought we might get arrested or at least a little harassed, but alas, it went off without a hitch.

#4 - "Don't Spuff 'til You Spuff Enough"
Words can't properly express how we feel about this song. In truth, it's really the anthem of our year and the pride of our blog.

#5 - Angel's 10 Year Anniversary in Los Angeles
What's more fun than Buffyfest all together in the same room? It's when Buffyfest are all together in the same room that also happens to be the courtyard of the Hyperion Hotel.

#6 - Dollhouse
It was the little engine that could and against all odds, Dollhouse made it to a 2nd and final season with awesome guest appearances by quite a few Whedon alum.

#7- Can't Stop the Serenity Charity Screenings
There's always reason to celebrate charitable giving, especially this amazing group and their determination to help stop Human Rights abuse around the world. As proud sponsors of this year's event, we're happy to report that they had a record breaking year in '09!

#8 - Buffy Season 8 Motion Comic
We still have no idea what this will entail, but it's Buffy and she'll be moving her arms and legs and words will be coming out of her mouth, so this is absolutely a cause for celebration.

#9 - Twilight
A year later we're still asking, "Who the hell is this guy?", but it's finally inching a bit closer to one of the most exciting reveals in the Buffyverse.

#10 - The Buffy High School Reunion
It was a fun-filled two nights in NYC with an extra special Spike performance by our very own Bitsy.

We'd also like to add a very special thanks to the Guest Bloggers we've had throughout the year. We were lucky enough to get some amazing peeps to take over the posting reigns for a bit. A huge heap of gratitude goes out to JayUnderscoreZero (here and here), InyRules, Steph, Danner, Heidi, and Heroine_TV (Part I and Part II).

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