Thursday, October 8, 2009

Eliza's WTF moment on Jimmy Fallon

While Michelle and I were talking this morning, I remembered that Eliza was on Late Night last night. I figured we'd check it out. Thus far her interview crawl hasn't been going very well, with Letterman not talking about Dollhouse at all and Good Day New York not even knowing the show had premiered. I mean it couldn't be any worse than that, could it? Well... I'll let you watch this clip and judge it for yourself:

Do you think she realized the implication of what she said? She did basically say that Buffy fans are crazy stalkers who are too into her, right? That's a pretty hurtful thing to say especially when so many of those fans are trying to help out a show whose ratings are in the gutter.

Here's the full interview including a fight sequence between Eliza and Jimmy.

UPDATE: I want to make sure people see a good interview with Eliza as done through the NY Post. She does a great job here and the interviewer is knowledgeable which is helpful. If you want to spread around a good video for people to watch, this is it. Check it out:

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