Friday, August 7, 2009

Bitsy's Beard Vlogs Again: Angel and Buffy Comic Reviews

Yes, gentle reader, 'tis I, the Beard. I have achieved sentience and, with follicle glee, have read Angel #24, Fallen Angel: Reborn #2, and Buffy # 27. What does this newly conscious facial hair make of the week's offerings? Why not watch for yourself to find out.

Bitsy's note: My beard's views do not necessarily reflect my own. Why must you slowly take over my face and, subsequently, my thoughts, beard? Help! This beard is gnawing at my very soul it's... oh, oh my god no... AIEEEE!

OM NOM NOM ...mmm... tasty soul. Nothing to see here, folks. This is the Beard, signing off.

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