Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Exclusive: Scott Allie's Top Ten Reasons to Look Forward to Buffy Season 9! (Spoilers)

Ala David Letterman, Scott Allie has created a list of the top ten reasons why we should be looking forward to the first month of Season 9, which is chock full o' mysterious teasers. Another treat for today is this exclusive image we received from the highly anticipated upcoming Angel & Faith series which is being released on August 31.

Check out Whedon Wednesday tomorrow for a lot more preview images.

And now here are Scott Allie's Top Ten reasons to look forward to the first month of Season 9:

10. Only two new #1's!
9. No new costumes! (Except Willow)
8. Buffy teams with Andrew for waterborne battle!
7. Angel & Faith: Double the redemption!
6. Poignant Giles flashbacks!
5. Longstanding debts come due...
4. World without magic: More dangerous than you'd think!
3. Feminist icon gets drunk (again) with calamitous results!
2. Joss Whedon writes Season 9!
1. Buffy & Angel separated by 5,363 miles!

And there you have it! Don't forget about Whedon Wednesday on Dark Horse's site tomorrow, there will definitely be more to get excited about!

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