Friday, March 25, 2011

Taking a Week Long Hiatus

Hi everyone,

I hate to start the weekend off with bad news, but unfortunately that's what I have to do. Many of you regular readers know that my grandfather has been battling a mysterious illness for the past few months. He's gone through so much, including brain surgery, just to find out what it was. Well, after months of guessing, the doctors confirmed early this week that he had an extremely rare disease called CJD (for short). It's an incurable illness that attacks your brain and only one in every million people suffer from it - which leads to 200 cases in the US each year.

I've spent the past few days and nights at the hospital with my entire family and I'm sad to say that this morning around 2am we lost him. He was an unbelievable man who I miss terribly already. Last night was extremely tough for all of us, but especially him. He could no longer talk and had a tough time breathing. But thankfully we were all by his side when he left us ( I was actually holding his hand).

I just want to thank all of you for your prayers, well wishes, and words of encouragenent. It's meant a lot to me in this difficult time.

The blog will be on hiatus until next weekend.

Sleep well Pop-pop... And don't worry, I'll always blow you kisses!

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