Wednesday, December 15, 2010

David's Latest Blog

Hi everyone

With the football season in the US finished and Christmas almost here, I’m back in the UK with all the family. I managed to get up to Manchester on Monday to watch Manchester United play Arsenal. United won a tight match and it definitely puts them in a good place for a busy Christmas period, but I’m sure they’ll be plenty more twists and turns along the way in what has been a great Premier League season so far.

Tonight I’m off to the Millies Awards, which are our chance as a nation to recognise and honour the fantastic men and women of our Armed Forces. Having visited the troops in Afghanistan in May, I have seen for myself the amazing job they do. I’m honoured to be involved and the Awards are a great way of saying thank you for all the sacrifices they make on a daily basis for all of us.

We are planning a pretty relaxing Christmas in the UK and will be catching up with family and friends, which I’m really looking forward to. Whatever you’ve got planned over the festive period, I hope you have fun, see you in 2011

Take care
*While looking for photos of the Beckhams during the Christmas holiday to post with this blog entry, I came across the two photos below and I had to share them... I thought they were too funny and that you guys would enjoy them too!

source:, myspace, bump shack

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