Tuesday, December 14, 2010

David Joins Chilean miners at Manchester United match

Becks was in the VIP seats at Old Trafford along with best friends Gary Neville and football agent David Gardner - along with 23 Chileans miners - for the Red Devils' clash with Arsenal.

Sir Bobby had invited the Chileans to be his guests at old Trafford following their two-month ordeal trapped underground following a rock fall in August.

The group were also presented with United shirts with their names on the back, plus the number reflecting when they were lifted out of the mine during the rescue in October.

Omar Reygadas, a 56-year-old bulldozer operator, said: 'It’s an honour to be at Old Trafford. It’s the "Theatre of Dreams" and we have only seen it on television.'

During the game, LA Galaxy player David also appeared to be attempting a retro style vibe with his facial fuzz and hairstyle, with a Seventies-style beard and a centre parting hairdo similar to the one he sported in 1997. source: DailyMail

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