Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Drug Scandal in the "Other" Vampire Fandom!

Seriously, they are peddling Twilight brand heroin on the streets of our city via this crafty villain in Long Island. The dime bags are "branded" with Edward Cullen's face on them. So wrong! First with the sparkling, cold-like-a-dead-man's-penis sex toy, now this. Joking aside, it's really not anything like throwing an appendage in a freezer. I'd feel terrible if it was a Buffy logo or Blue Sun type situation. Capitalizing on someone's fandom addiction is one thing, but substance addiction is another. I can just hear someone OMGing "Look how cool my Twi-hard dope baggie is!" This really is too far.

And don't forget...then Buffy slayed Edward, the end.

P.S. the guy on the bag actually kind of looks like Spike, no?

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