Sunday, August 23, 2009

fanvid sunday: faith with a side of slash

It's a lonely place out there in fanvid land, kids. Wherever can one find good new videos cobbled together by expert artisans? This week is a quickie Faith video which will only please me and other Faith fans. C'est la vie. I like her. So here's that on the embed tip.

But the real video I want to show you may only be reached via a link. What is it, you ask? Why it's a slash video concerning one Dean Winchester and one angel named Castiel. That's right. I'm going there and I bet you're willing to go with me. Time to freaky get with your Supernatural self. Click here to make the magic happen.

And with that, I bid you a fond adieu. I'm, as the British say, in the country this weekend. Hope your having as much fun as I am. Happy Sunday, everyone!

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