Tuesday, July 21, 2009

"What if"...with Tom Lenk

Have you ever debated with your peers about how the Buffyverse would be if some things had never happened or maybe just went a little differently? Yeah, that's pretty much our main hobby. That's why we started a new monthly segment here at Buffyfest called "What if," where we explore the alternate reality-type scenarios of our favorite characters. Our first guest was Scott Allie, who bravely answered what turned out to be a pretty contoversial question last month. This month it's none other than Andrew himself, the multi-talented Tom Lenk. We caught up with Tom to ask this very important question.

Buffyfest: What if Andrew became a famous film maker? What would the name of his first film be?

Tom Lenk: [answers quickly] "Andrew's Big Adventure"

And there you have it! The guy's a Pee Wee fan, and hell...who isn't? If you get a chance to check out Tom's live show, don't miss it! In the mean time, we'll tease you with this little ditty below.

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