Saturday, July 31, 2010

Podcast Interview with Brian Lynch from SDCC 2010

Ready for the Spike comic? This next installment of our SDCC 2010 wrap up week features a podacst interview on the balcony of the San Diego Convention Center. There we spoke with the writer of the upcoming IDW Spike series himself, the very funny Brian Lynch. Proceed with caution, Spoilers ahead!

click play

White Party Dresses

White Party Dresses
White Party Dresses
White Party Dresses
White Party Dress
White Party Dress

White Dresses Pictures

White Dresses
White Dresses
White Dresses
White Dresses

Thursday, July 29, 2010

(Spoilers) Mariah Huehner talks the Spike Reveal in Angel Issue #35

Spoilers below for the Angel comic:

While we were still in San Diego, Mariah was kind enough to elaborate on one of the biggest moments that was about to (and now has) come in her run as editor of the Angel series.  Now that #35 has been released, we're releasing the audio of that interview and, because you've all been so good, we've transcribed it as well.  Join us now as we talk about Spike and the reason why he's been acting so very question marky lately:

click play

Buffyfest: So in the most recent is of Angel, #35 there's a huge bomb that gets dropped that according to the soul eater our young William the Bloody apparently has no soul and not even in the he can't sing or dance kind of a way.

Mariah: Nope.

Buffyfest: So how difficult was it given the fact that there had been a lot of discussion about how out of character he had been.  How hard was it for you to keep that secret on the low?

Mariah: Well it was very difficult because you hope that people are gonna be patient and wait for the story to unfold  because you can't just have that sort of a thing pop up suddenly.  There's gotta be some kind of basis for it, you gotta go "Well he's acting at least a little bit differently but he's not totally not Spike".  And the thing about him not having a soul is not all there is to it either so there's a lot more that's gonna come in #36 that kind of explains that.  But it's a big deal because there's obviously been a lot of stuff that Spike's been doing that's not quite what people are used to  and it was meant to be (and I think sort of successfully) Spike in a a sort of a different way.  Yeah, it was hard because I wanted fans to understand something was coming but couldn't say what it was, you know it's always kind of delicate.

Buffyfest: Actually, speaking of that what I wanted to talk about was there is a huge difference and always has been in this whole way that the soul thing works with Angel vs. Spike because even when he didn't have the soul, Spike was sorta capable...

Mariah: Of doing the right thing...

Bufffyfest: With the chip and even before the chip he's sort of capable of love whereas Angelus...

Mariah: Is really not.

Buffyfest: Totally incapable.  What do you think it is that makes it like that?

Mariah: I think it kinda goes to the episode where they talk about how Spike became Spike.  William as a human being was a good man, he was a poet, he was kinda not the best at anything but he was, at heart, a decent person.  Angel was kind of an ass.  I mean really as a person he wasn't a terrible guy but he wasn't really a hero.  he was sort of this philandering, drinking guy.  So there's a big different where there base comes from and even though I know they're demons I think that there's a core difference there.  I think it's harder for Angel to work at being good than it is for Spike ultimately.

Buffyfest: How do you think that Spike is going to react to his news?

Mariah: He's not gonna be happy about it.

Buffyfest: How about everyone else are they gonna want to lock him up like Angelus, Season 4?

Mariah: It's gonna be interesting to see because a lot of the characters react differently to it.  Spike has obviously still been doing a lot of perfectly reasonable good things this whole time too.  So I think a lot of characters are gonna have a hard time because there is such a stark difference between when Angel goes because if that happens you've gotta lock him up or get it back in there now.  Obviously they haven't had to worry about Spike.  Especially between Angel and Spike, though.  That kind of thing is going to be interesting in how it plays out.

Superhero Tattoos - Hulk Tattoo Design

Superhero Tattoos - Hulk Tattoo Design
Superhero Tattoos - Hulk Tattoo Design

Superhero tattoos - Superman Tattoo Design

Superhero Tattoo - Batman Tattoo Design

Cool Tribal Tattoos on Back and Arms For Men

Tribal Tattoo on Male Back

Celtic Tribal Tattoos for Men


Show me a man with a tattoo and I'll show you a man with an interesting past. Jack London - 1883

"As for the primitive, I hark back to it because we are still very primitive. How many thousands of years of culture, think you, have rubbed and polished at our raw edges? One probably; at the best, no more than two. And that takes us back to screaming savagery, when, gross of body and deed, we drank blood from the skulls of our enemies, and hailed as highest paradise the orgies and carnage of Valhalla." - JACK LONDON

"The universality of tattooing is a curious subject for speculation"
Captain James Cook - 1779

"With the Haidas, however, every mark has its meaning ?" - James Swan, Tattoo Marks of the Haida, 1878.

Superhero Tattoos - Batman Tattoo Design

Superhero Tattoos - Batman Tattoo Design
Superhero Tattoos - Batman Tattoo Design

Peacock Tattoo Design on Girls Arm

Female Arm Sleeves Tattoo Design

Tattooed Girl - Back Tattoo and Arm Sleeves Tattoo

Sexy Girl Arm Sleeves Tattoo Design

Full Arm Sleeves tattoo Design on Girls

Superhero Tattoos - Hulk Tattoo Design


"Not one great country can be named, from the polar regions in the north to New Zealand in the south, in which the aborigines do not tattoo themselves." Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, 1871

In Tahiti, not all Europeans responded with the enthusiasm that had been exhibited by the British Admiralty's Captain James Cook, his Science Officer and Botanist, Sir Joseph Banks - who received a traditional Polynesian tattoo - and dozens of the ordinary sailors and seamen aboard Cook's ships. Missionaries who arrived in Tahiti at the end of the 18th century, turned tattooing from a standard practice into an embarrassing and punishable act of Paganism. King Pomare II was converted to Christianity in 1812 and he immediately put force behind a severe, regulated code that had been laid out by the missionaries. The death certificate for traditional tattoos was essentially signed in 1823 with the passage in the code that stated: "No one shall be tattooed and this practice should be completely abolished. This is an old and bad habit. Men or women who get tattooed will be judged and punished... The punishment for men will be work on ten measures of road for the first tattoo and 20 measures for the second tattoo... The punishment for women will be to make two big coats; one for the king and the other for the governor."

Superhero Tattoos - Superman Tattoo Design on Arms

Superhero Tattoos - Superman Tattoo Design on Arms
Superhero Tattoos - Superman Tattoo Design on Arms

King Kobra Snake Tattoo Sleeves Design

Dragon Arm Sleeve Tattoo Design

Dragon Tattoo design on Arms and Chest

Asian Sexy Arm Tattoo Design

Buddha Tattoo - Religious Tattoo

Superhero Tattoos - Hulk Tattoo Design


Anthropometamorphosis, Man Transformed or, the Artificial Changeling, Historically Presented, a Puritan diatribe published in 1653, railed against disfigurement of the body in pursuit of "ridiculous beauty," "filthy fineness" and "loathsome loveliness." John Bulwer

"In all ages, far back into prehistory, we find human beings have painted and adorned themselves." H.G. Wells

 "There is no perfect beauty that hath not strangeness in the proportion."
Sir Francis Bacon - London, 1639

"I'll tell you this, lad: A tattoo says more of a fellow looking at it than it can do of the man who's got it on his back." - Sarah Hall -- The Electric Michelangelo

Beautiful Flower Tattoo on Sexy Girl Back

Beautiful Flower Tattoo on Sexy Girl Back
Beautiful Flower Tattoo on Sexy Girl Back

Flower Tattoo Ideas for Girl Feet

Rose Flower Tattoo on Sexy Girls Side Body

Japanese Flower Tattoo Design on Abdomen

Lower Back Flower tattoo Design for Girls

Honey Bee Flower Tattoo Abdomen tattoo Design


"It's only his outside; a man can be honest in any sort of skin."
- Herman Melville -- Moby-Dick

Everybody wants to see the pictures, and yet nobody wants to see them.
Ray Bradbury -- The Illustrated Man

 "But to become a freak one needs a strong character and unusual determination."
George Burchett - Memoirs of a Tattooist, 1956

Traditionally, body art has served to attract the opposite sex, boost self-esteem, ward off or invoke spirits, indicate social position or marital status, identify with a particular age or gender group or mark a rite of passage, such as puberty or marriage. It's this sort of strictly prescribed, highly ritualistic decoration that Carol Beckwith and Angela Fisher depict in their book, African Ceremonies. "We've tried to show how body art is relevant to every stage of development, from birth to death," says Angela Fisher.

Buddha Tattoo - Religious Tattoo

buddha tattoo religious tattoo
Religious tattoo, Buddha tattoo design on arm sleeves.

Cool Tribal Tattoos on Back and Arms For Men

Tribal Arm Sleeves and Back Tattoo For Men

Heart Tattoo on Female Upper Arm

Cool Tribal Tattoo Ideas For Men

Modern Japanese Girl Tattoo on Hand


Primitive tribes were certainly convinced that the spirit, having escaped from the body at death, retained a replica of its earthly tenement. They therefore used tattoo marks as a means of identification in the next world and a passport to future happiness. (Ronald Scutt, Art, Sex and Symbol, 1974, p. 63)

"I wanted some decoration. See, the one on my wrist is for everybody; the one on my tit is for me and my friends. Just a little treat for the boys, like icing on the cake." - Janis Joplin

 A great tattoo is a statement, not a style. And getting it is a journey, not a destination. - Vince Hemingson

The world is divided into two kinds of people: those who have tattoos, and those who are afraid of people with tattoos. -- Author Unknown

Realistic 3D Black Widow Spider Tattoo
Dog Tattoo With Crown - Loyalty Comes Free
Carpe Diem Ambigram Tattoo Design
Biomechanical Alien Tattoo Design on Hand
Anchor Birds and Waves Tattoo Design on Sidebody
Black ink Tattoo of Angel with Cross
Animated Tasmanian Devil Taz Tattoo on Arms
Jungle Animals back Tattoo Designs
Armband tattoo of Musical Notes and Guitar
Asian Style Koi Fish Tattoo Design on back
Aztec Style Sun Symbol Tattoo Design
Barbed Wire Legband Tattoo Design
Evil Teddy Bear Tattoo
Motorcycle racing Biker Tattoo Design on back
Biomechanical Armsleeves Tattoo Design
Black and Grey Flower Tattoo Design for Girls Sidebody tattoo
Bull Rider Tattoo Design on Leg
Ladybug Flowers and Leaf Tattoo on Foot
Car Tattoo Design - Hot Wheels
Cute Black Ink Cat Tattoo
Grim Reaper Death Tattoo on Back - The weak shall inherit nothing
 Monster Demon Head Tattoo with Flames
Full Color Dragonfly and Flower Tattoo Design
Tattoo of Dagger Stabbing a Heart
Heart and Crown Tattoo Design on Wrist
Crazy Clown Tattoo Design with Money Tattoo
Chinese Character for Love - Neck Tattoo Design
Four Leaf Clover Tattoo with Celtic Design
Black and Grey Cherub Angel Tattoo on Arms
Bow and Cherry Tattoo on back of Neck
Beautiful Celtic Deer Tattoo Design

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Orange Prom Dresses

Orange Prom Dresses
Orange Prom Dress
Orange Prom Dresses
Orange Prom Dresses
Orange Prom Dress

Orenge Dresses Pictures

Orenge Dresses Pictures
Orenge Dresses Pictures
Orenge Dresses Pictures
Orenge Dresses Pictures
Orenge Dresses Pictures

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Exclusive Interview with Scott Allie at SDCC 2010

Spoilers for Buffy S.8 and beyond:

A big piece of Whedonverse news coming out of SDCC this year was Joss Whedon's announcement that Scott Allie would be co-writing the tail end of Buffy Season 8. The World Wide Web's still a buzzing with questions about what this all means. We were able to talk to Scott minutes after the announcement was made right in the middle of all the craziness that was Dark Horse's booth at San Diego Comic Con. Scott elaborates on co-writing and also gives us some info on Spike, the Riley One-Shot, Season 9 and more.

Monday, July 26, 2010

SDCC 2010 Wrap Up Week!

At this point it's obvious that Whedon ruled San Diego Comic Con 2010 and we were so lucky to witness and share the whole thing...but we're not done yet! Coming up is our wrap up featuring even more secret details from all of the upcoming Whedonverse comic titles and interviews with:

Dark Horse editor and soon to be Buffy S.8 finale writer Scott Allie
Costumer to the Whedonverse, Shawna Trpcic
Angel:After the Fall and upcoming Spike writer Brian Lynch
Angel editor and writers Mariah Huehner and David Tischman
The one and only super-sexy Brit Anthony Stewart Head (eeeeee!)
and more!

Until then, check out our personal photos from Comic Con:

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Buffyfest Interviews Whedon Fan at SDCC 2010

While at SDCC, we've been taking photos of as many of the gajillions of people we see in a Jayne hat as possible. After the Joss & JJ panel, we met up with Katie for a pic to add to this "Jayne Hat Compendium" and decided to do a quick interview about the panel we just saw, why Joss Whedon is awesome, and of course, the man they call Jayne's fantastic head wear. Check it out:

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Cool Emo Hairstyles

Cool Emo Hairstyle
Cool Emo Hairstyle
Cool Emo Hairstyle
Cool Emo Hairstyle

Bob Emo Hairstyles

Bob Emo Hairstyle
Bob Emo Hairstyle
Bob Emo Hairstyle
Bob Emo Hairstyle
Bob Emo Hairstyle

Video: Joss Whedon Announced as Director of 'The Avengers'

Here's the video of Joss Whedon being announced as the big cheese of 'The Avengers' after the star-studded cast was revealed on stage just a few hours ago. He looks so proud and excited, deservedly so.

Live Blogging the Marvel Panel

Ok, so at the exact time we were on line for Hall H someone got stabbed in the fucking eye, pardon my French, and I'm not going to lie: I got freaked out. There was chaos and gossip trickling down the long line and no one knew what to believe. Once we saw photos of the attacker getting arrested, I decided to talk to the SDCC green shirts who said the show *might* go on and if it did, it could be about 45 minutes late. Now I don't know why they would allow the panel to go on with blood still drying on the floor (hint: money already $pent), but we high tailed it to the Press Room anyway to check. Now we have learned that the panel is starting exactly on adjusted schedule and here we are. Actually, it's kind of peaceful in here.

Ok, here are the short panel details:

Chris Evans & Hugo Weaving are discussing Captain America. They're
showing clips. Now Kenneth Branagh, Chris Hemsworth & Natalie Portman &
Kat Dennings are here for Thor. More clips.

Uh Oh, Ed Norton Drama in the Q&A! The answer to that was "The Panel's
not over yet"

Samuel L. Jackson, Nick Fury, Announces in order:

Scarlet Johannson, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr.,

RDJ says "Inception was the most Ambitious movie of the year. But then I
thought, Marvel Studios is going to take all the top Super heroes? Most
ambitious movie I've ever seen!"

RDJ goes on: The most important thing was that we found someone to helm
this film that you'd approve of..our director: Joss Whedon!

Joss: [He sounds hoarse, must be all that partying he did last night)

I had a dream, and it was NOT THIS GOOD. These are The Avengers. My
dream team! A team more than the sum of it's parts! More than I could
ever dream of working with.

I'm going to blow it, I'm not up to it, I'm very nervous...I need your
love and your support (applause) thank you, I feel better. We're done,
take care, see you soon!

Will have the video up shortly.

Exclusive: IDW to Announce Illyria Comic

Jenny Frisson cover art for Issue 1
We're proud to be the first to announce that there will be an Illyria miniseries coming soon.  More details will be available at IDW's panel today but, for now, here's another part of the interview that we conducted with Mariah where we talk a little bit about the particulars from this forthcoming series.  The IDW panel will be today at noon in Room 8.  Come check it out.  Who knows what other news they'll drop?

Buffyfest: This is Dan aka Bitsy from Buffyfest here at San Diego Comic Con and it's just been announced that there's going to be an Illyria mini series comic and that it will be written by Mariah Huehner.

Mariah: And Scott Tipton.

Buffyfest: Unbelievable. And, unexpectedly, I'm here with her again (and certainly not just been standing here the entire time). So Mariah, let's talk about it. First of all, who is doing the art on the book?

Mariah: Elena Casagrande is doing it, the one whose been doing the main Angel series, but we're deviating a little bit from that art style so there will be a mix of different things we're playing with.

Buffyfest: And how many issues is it going to be?

Mariah: It's four issues.

Buffyfest: I really want to talk about Illyria. Who is she?

Mariah: Well, you know, that's kind of the question, I think. Up until now I don't know that we've explored that fully. I think she's a really difficult character to grasp. We're talking about a demon that, and I know this has been brought up a lot on the (IDW) boards, for instance, like is she really a gender because she burned out all of Fred's organs and questions like that. I think we don't really know. We have absolutely no idea, with a massive, old demon, if that really applies. I think it's a character who has fascinated me since she was created not the least because she killed Fred and that was a horrible, heart-breaking moment but also because she's so alien. I mean she's just so completely different from everyone else and it's unclear what her motivations are. She doesn't really know what her place is and she has all these different memories from different people floating around in her head. I think, it's been a long time coming that there be some big changes for her, there needs to be a significant arc between who she is and where she'll be and that's what this story will be tackling.

Buffyfest: Now usually arc follows a certain flow. Is this going to be like so many Angel character stories? Will it be a redemptive arc?

Mariah: I wouldn't say redemptive, but I think ultimately it does let her have some closure on some things that she hasn't had before, that's never been allowed for her character before because it's always been about how other characters relate to her and less about how she's handling things because it is so hard to get into her head. That's what we're going for in the story.

Buffyfest: Do you know where in the continuity the story will be taking place?

Mariah: It will be taking place around Issue #38 of Angel and then it will be in the same time frame so she won't be in the Angel book for a while but then she'll come back.

Buffyfest: Will any of the other characters from the Angel series be turning up?

Mariah: Spike will be there for a bit, he'll help her a little, Angel will be there a little and then, though, it's really Illyria, it's all about her and what's she's doing.

Buffyfest: Do you 'ship the Spifrillyria, the Spike and Illyria relationship?

Mariah: You know, not really. I think they are a really interesting friendship. Illyria is very strange sexually.

Buffyfest: Do we have a date for when the first issue is going to drop?

Mariah: November. It should be out around the same time as Angel issue #38.

Sexy Lower Back Tattoo Design

Sexy Lower Back Tattoo DesignSexy Lower Back Tattoo Design - Dragon Tattoo and Tribal Tattoo

Nautical Stars Tattoo Design Female Lower Back

Sexy Butterfly tattoo for Lower Back Female

Butterfly with Tribal Tattoo Design on Female Lower Back

Sun Tattoo Design For Sexy Lower Back of Female

Girly Flower Tattoo Design Lower Back Tattoo

Cherry Blossom Tattoo and Lotus Tattoo Design on Female Lower Back


Death could come at any time, Angelina Jolie says. The tattoo is a strong reminder to live fully in the moment and never have regrets. (About her first tattoo of the Japanese Kanji for Death) I didn't get the tattoo for the dark reason everyone thinks.

Usually all my tattoos came at good times. A tattoo is something permanent when you've made a self-discovery, or something you've come to a conclusion about. - Angelina Jolie - 2003

 Jolie says her tiger tattoo is a favorite of her kids.  They talk to it all the time.  They like to say hi to it and paint it with fingerpaints.  Its like a little friend.  - Angelina Jolie

It's Aslan, the lion from The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe. Its a symbol of my hellish childhood. I struggled through my oppressive teenage years and when I turned 18 I escaped. Like Aslan I was finally free.? - Christina Ricci

Geisha Tattoo Design on Sexy Girl Back, Geisha Back Tattoo

Geisha Tattoo Design on Sexy Girl Back, Geisha Back TattooGeisha Tattoo Design on Sexy Girl Back, Geisha Back Tattoo

Male Back Tattoo - Tribal Tattoo

Tribal Design Flower Tattoo on Sexy Girl Back

Cherry Blossom Tattoo Design Female Back Body

Tribal Tattoo Design For male Back

Butterfly Tattoo and Flower Tattoo for Female Back Tattoo


"I dropped my pants in a tattoo parlor in Amsterdam. I woke up in a waterbed with this funky-looking dragon with a blue tongue on my hip. I realized I made a mistake, so a few months later I got a cross to cover it. When my pants hang low, it looks like I'm wearing a dagger!" - Angelina Jolie

"Every time I get a tattoo, my parents say they?ll disown me. I have to get them airbrushed for Charmed. Witches don?t have tattoos, I guess."
Alyssa Milano

 It's kind of a show-biz lizard [in a top hat]. Tattoos to me are the outward symbol of the inward change within my soul. Nicolas Cage

I chose a sunflower because when darkness descends they close up to regenerate. But I really wish I'd never had the tattoo in the first place. Clean, clear skin is always better. Halle Berry

Game Tattoo on Sexy Girl Chest

Game Tattoo Design on Sexy Girl ChestGame Tattoo Design on Sexy Girl Chest. 'This Game Sucks'

Sexy Lower Back Tattoo design for Women - Lotus tattoo

Sexy Girl Tattoo Art Photo

Peacock Feather Tattoo design on Sexy Girl Back

Sexy Lady with Full Arm Sleeves Tattoo

Lizard Tattoo Design on Hot Girl


My skin is my canvas. The artwork on it represents something that is very powerful and meaningful in my life. I look at my skin as something of a living diary because all my tattoos represent a time in my life. And I never wish to shut the door on the past, so I carry it all with me. Dave Navarro

"I felt bad about myself because certain people were relentlessly attacking me and my reputation. My mom kept saying 'Let it go, Lauren, It doesn?t matter' ? I realized I had to stop worrying about what other people think. The next day I got a tattoo on my lower back that says 'sticks and stones', because they may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Lauren Conrad

 I'm planning my most ambitious tattoo yet. You can never have enough tats.
Amy Winehouse

Giving birth was easier than having a tattoo. Nicole Appleton

Quirky is sexy, like scars or chipped teeth. I also like tattoos - they're rebellious. Jennifer Aniston

Sexy Butt Tattoo, Phoenix Tattoo Design on Girl Butt

Sexy Butt Tattoo, Phoenix Tattoo Design on Girl ButtSexy Butt Tattoo, Phoenix Tattoo Design on Girl Butt

Dragon Tattoo on Sexy Girl Posing on Bike

Sexy Guns and Roses Tattoo Design on Female Lower Back

Sexy Dragon Tattoo for Girls

Star Tattoo on Chest of Sexy Girl

Artistic Tattoo Design on Sexy Girl Side Body


Tattoos are like stories - they're symbolic of the important moments in your life. Sitting down, talking about where you got each tattoo and what it symbolizes, is really beautiful. Pamela Anderson

My body is a journal in a way. It's like what sailors used to do, where every tattoo meant something, a specific time in your life when you make a mark on yourself, whether you do it yourself with a knife or with a professional tattoo artist.  Johnny Depp

 "Every time I get a tattoo, it?s a little fuck-you to anyone who tells me not to. It?s weird to be part of Hollywood, which tries to control every aspect of people, from what they say to the color of their hair. And I like the way getting a tattoo feels. If I?m depressed, it?s nice to get one and deal with the pain. I have one all the way down to my ribs. It hurt, but it felt good?like twisting a loose tooth. I?m not kidding when I say that if I ever lose a role because of my tattoos, I?ll quit Hollywood and go to work at Costco." ~ Megan Fox

I think I have enough tattoos for now. If I get any others, I'll probably do my kids initials. Niki Taylor

Cool Neck Tattoo Design

Cool Neck Tattoo DesignCool Neck Tattoo Design

Celebrity Rihanna Tattoos

Tila Nguyen arm Tattoo

Mandy Moore Tattoo - Celebrity Tattoo

Audrina Patridge Tattoo

Kristen Stewart Tattoo

Asia Argento Tattoo

Marco Materazzi Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoo


Britney Spears in 2000 said this about her supposedly "fake" lower back tattoo, ?if I was to get a fairy on my back, that would be like she?s watching my back.?

I did what I could to move the muscles in my back so the tattoo could sort of stretch out. I always wished I had more muscles that could crinkle up.
Ralph Fiennes For the film, Red Dragon (2002) as Francis Dolarhyde

 I have this huge lion tattoo embossed on my arm. I was a little worried as to how we would cover it up. But my makeup man covered the tattoo with makeup. It took close to two hours.
Sanjay Dutt

I got my first tattoo, a Playboy Bunny, because I was young, dumb and drunk... Anna Nicole Smith

Beautiful Star Tattoo Design For Girls

Beautiful Star Tattoo Design For GirlsBeautiful Star Tattoo Design For Girls

Girly Tattoo Design - Stars Tattoo on Side Body Female

Sexy Nautical Star Tattoo Design on Female Chest

Colourfull Stars Tattoo Design For Girls

Sexy Stars Tattoo For Ears - Feminine Tattoo

Sexy Star Tattoo For Girls Feet

Stars Tattoo Design on Girl Feet - Feminine Tattoos


I always look for a woman who has a tattoo. I see a woman with a tattoo, and I'm thinking, okay, here's a gal who's capable of making a decision she'll regret in the future. -- Comedian Richard Jeni

Vince Vaughn in the film The Wedding Crashers - "Tattoo on the lower back. Might as well be a bulls-eye."

 I wouldn't care if they tattoo Festus all over. He's been good to me.
Ken Curtis - American singer and actor best known for his role as "Festus Haggen" on CBS' long-running western drama, Gunsmoke, which he portrayed from 1964 to 1975.

"You put a tattoo on yourself with the knowledge that this body is yours to have and enjoy while you're here. You have fun with it, and nobody else can control (supposedly) what you do with it. That's why tattooing is such a big thing in prison: it's an expression of freedom?one of the only expressions of freedom there. They can lock you down, control everything, but 'I've got my mind, and I can tattoo my body?alter it my way as an act of personal will.' " DON ED HARDY

Tattoo Machine Design on Male Neck

Tattoo Machine Design on Male NeckTattoo Machine Design on Male Neck

Colin Farrell Celebrity Tattoo

Celebrity Lil Wayne Tattoo Design

Victoria Beckham Neck Tattoo Design

Cheryl Tweedy Cole Sexy Tattoo

Celebrity Tommy Lee Tattoo

WWE Superstar Jeff Hardy Tattoo Design

Celebrity Tattoo Eminem Tattoo


The only difference between a tattooed person and a person who isn't tattooed is that a tattooed person doesn't care if you're tattooed or not.
(Sign often seen in tattoo shops)

Beauty is skin deep. A tattoo goes all the way to the bone.
Vince Hemingson

 There's something really the matter with most people who wear tattoos, he says. I know from experience there's something terribly flawed about people who are tattooed above the little something Johnny had done in the Navy, even though that's also a bad sign. (Truman Capote, author of In Cold Blood, interviewed more than one hundred killers over a period of ten years and says eighty percent of them have one thing in common: Tattoos)

The Greek philosopher Bion of Borysthenes (circa 300 B.C.) described the brutally tattooed face of his father, a former slave, as "a narrative of his master's harshness."

Sexy Chest Tattoo Design, Heart with Wings Tattoo

Sexy Chest Tattoo Design, Heart with Wings TattooBeautiful sexy Girl with a Heart Tattoo and Wings Tattoo design on her chest and a Rose Flower Tattoo on Shoulder.

Peacock Tattoo - Full back Tattoo Design For Girls

Sexy Tattooed Girl with Lizard Tattoo Design on her Abdomen

Butt Tattoo Ideas for Girls

Full back Body Sexy Girl Tattoo

Letter Tattoo Design on Sexy Female Side Body

Sexy Female Full Body Tattoo Design


We are all tattooed in our cradles with the beliefs of our tribe; the record may seem superficial, but it is indelible.? Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. (1841-1935)

"I don't know why I like tattoos so much. I know it's crazy. I can't defend them. I've had some of my tattoos for twenty years. I love getting them. " Cher

 "For someone who likes tattoos, the most precious thing is bare skin." Cher

The perfect tattoo... the one I believe we are all struggling toward... is the one that turned the jackass into a zebra. Cliff Raven

Religious Tattoo Design Asian Style

Religious Tattoo Design Asian StyleReligious Tattoo Design on Back Body, Asian Style Tattoo Design

Angels Wing tattoo Design on Back Body

Chinese Full Back Tattoo Design

Celtic Tattoo Art Design Male Back

Hot Men Back Tattoo - Tribal Tattoo Design

Samurai Warrior Tattoo Design on Male Back


Good tattoos aren't cheap and cheap tattoos aren't good. (A sign seen in many tattoo shops)

"Stewed, Screwed and Tattooed", a colourful synopsis of shore leave for many sailors after having spent many months at sea! A good port of call for men who worked at sea often earned it's reputation by the qualities - or lack thereof - of it's drinking establishments, women and tattoo artists.

 A quote is just a tattoo on the tongue.
William F. DeVault

Former Chicago Bull Jud Buechler said Michael Jordan wanted "me and [teammate] Steve Kerr to get tattoos" after the Bulls won their first championship. "I thought about it but didn't do it because I knew my mom, wife, and mother-in-law would kill me."

Celebrity Tattoo - Shooter Jennings

Celebrity Tattoo - Shooter Jennings gun tattooShooter Jennings Gun Tattoo Design on Forearms
Celebrity Tattoo - Shooter JenningsShooter Jennings is a American singer and song-writer

Bianca Kajlich Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoo

Joe Jurevicius Bicep Tattoo, Celebrity Tattoo

Khloe Kardashian Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoo

Patsy Kensit Tattoo - Celebrity Tattoo

Maynard James Keenan Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoo

Josh Hartnett Neck Tattoo

Kelis Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoo

Alicia Keys Back Tattoo Design

Megan Fox Sexy Tattoo Design


"White folks are not going to come to see a bunch of guys with tattoos, with cornrows. I'm sorry, but anyone who thinks different, they're stupid."

Love lasts forever, but a tattoo lasts six months longer. (Anon)

 In 19th Century England, tattooing flourished as nowhere else in Europe, largely thanks to traveling seamen who would come back with permanent souvenirs of their travels on their arms. In 1862, it gained Royal sanction and members of the Royal family, from the Prince of Wales to King Edward VII, acquired tattoos. By 1890 the fad had spread to the US and tattoos were seen on members of the exclusive New York Racquet Club. - It is certainly the most vulgar and barbarous habit the eccentric mind of fashion ever invented. It may do for an illiterate seaman, but hardly for an aristocrat. Society men in England were the victims of circumstance when the Prince of Wales had his body tattooed. Like a flock of sheep driven by their master they had to follow suit. (Socialite of the day Ward McAllister who complained to the press about the fad) - Strange how this attitude has endured to the 21st century...

Think before you Ink! (Sign often seen in tattoo shops)

Celebrity Tattoo - Joan Jett

Celebrity Tattoo - Joan JettJoan Jett Religious Tattoo "OM" on the back neck
Celebrity Tattoo - Joan JettJoan Jett Tribal Tattoo on Forearms and a Tribal armband Tattoo
Celebrity Tattoo - Joan JettJoan Jett is American Rock Singer and Guitarist, She has several tattoo designs on her body.

Tommy Lee OM Tattoo and Mayhem Tattoo

Angel Tattoo on David Beckham's Back

Alyssa Milano Celebrity Wrist Tattoo

Celebrity Anthony Kiedis - Portrait Tattoo

Angelina Jolie Tattoo

Kerry Katona Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoo

Rob Kardashian Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoo

Norah Jones Lower Back Tattoo, Celebrity Tattoo

Kim Kardashian Temporary Tattoo

Janis Joplin Wrist Tattoo, Celebrity Tattoo


"The human body is always treated as an image of society." ANTHROPOLOGIST MARY DOUGLAS

"A man without tattoos is invisible to the Gods." - Iban Proverb - Mingatt Anak Casa (Akai Basai), Iban Headman on the Sekerang River, Sarawak, Borneo - from The Vanishing Tattoo Documentary

 "The woman must bear children and the man must be tattooed."
Polynesian Proverb

You may lose your most valuable property through misfortune in various ways. You may lose your house, your wife and other treasures. But of your moko, you cannot be deprived except by death. It will be your ornament and companion until your last day. -- Netana Whakaari of Te Waimana-Kaku, Tuhoe, 1921