Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sneak Peak at Buffy's Cover for Issue #39 (Spoiler)

But, where's the rest of it? I guess we'll have to wait until Buffy #39 is released to see the mystery behind this highly anticipated issue. Buffy looks pissed and we're assuming the person who she's about to pummel or be pummeled by is the "closest, most unexpected". Ruh, roh.

Update: People are talking up a storm so here is a poll.  Cast your vote and state your case in the comments!

Terminator 1984: #1 Review (SPOILERS)

The Preamble: I remember watching Terminator for the first time in Tommy Jung's parents' basement when I was a little kid.  I was way too young for that movie and, god damn, did it scare the Spiderman underoos right off of me.  A scary movie can have a profound, lasting impact on a little kid.  It stains the psyche like Ecto Cooler used to stain my shirts.  I'm not the only grown man who still remembers being terrified of the relentlessness of the scarily symmetrical, Austrian, robot of death and, as such, the Terminator franchise is in a perpetual state of "you got big shoes to fill, son".  Sometimes it lives up to the hype (Terminator 2, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles) and sometimes it doesn't (basically everything else).  Bless Zack Whedon and Andy MacDonald for landing themselves very firmly in the former category.

The Overview: Terminator: 1984 comes hot off the hells of Terminator: 2029.  What you need to know is that there is now another man, Ben, who has suffered immeasurable loss at the hands of Skynet and has followed Kyle Reese back in time because he already knows that Kyle is doomed to fail in his mission.  Speaking of Kyle, we open with video of him singing that old, familiar, country tune "Robots done rose up and blew humanity all to hell and my dog died, too" while mysterious sciency businessmen types questions how he knows so much about Skynet, something that is so top secret that even the people working on it are in the dark.  Meanwhile, Ben is soaking up the ecstasy that is the 80's and is reminded just what it is that he's been fighting for all this time.  He waits for the events of the movie to unfold.  This is where things start to change.  After the Terminator is crushed, we discover that Kyle Reese is not actually dead, merely stolen away by the people responsible for that whole end of the world thing.  Ben hunts down Sarah Connor and enlists her in an attempt to find Kyle and save the future.

The Review: I was really nervous going in (as was Zack Whedon, as it turns out) that the comic would toy too much with established history.  Instead, we get these beautifully recaptured scenes from the first movie as drawn by the magnificent Andy MacDonald whose style fits the genre perfectly.  The mixture of excitement and dread that the franchise can provide is all there.  A little love must go out to Sierra Hahn whose deft editing makes this book sing.  Ben makes for an excellent protagonist because, even though he and Kyle share a goal, they are not the same.  Ben is less certain but more pragmatic.  He's more thoughtful, patient but just as passionate.  We also get the murky waters that is a humanity you're not quite sure is worth saving.  I suspect that is one of the dilemmas Ben will face.  In this issue, his resolve is clear, he sees what humanity can have but, in time, he may discover how humanity can squander it's resources.  We already have a moment where Ben devours hot food that was thrown away, all the while questioning why anyone would be so wasteful.  I hope we'll get more of that.  In the meantime, there's a good mystery afoot and Sarah Connor has just joined the fold.  Whedon has successfully grounded his story in the mythos, now he just needs to let it fly.

Bottom Line: If you're still hurting from the Sarah Connor Chronicles being canceled, this book is your salvation.  Zack Whedon is one of those fans who knows how to continue a story he loves and do it in a way that respects what came before while still keeping you surprised.  Go get it.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

(SPOILERS) Mariah Huehner talks Angel #37

Today marks the release of the next issue in the Angel ongoing and, to get the ball rolling on the discussion, we sat down with writer and editor, Mariah Huehner, to talk about some of the particulars.  Stay tuned below for an overview and review of the issue, as well as a bonus Illyria question.  Ready?  Here we go!

Buffyfest: Let's address the elephant in the room: in Angel #37, Illyria uses the word "please" when asking Spike to stop fighting with Angel, surprising fans who are used to thinking of her as the uncompromising god-king.  Can we talk about how Illyria has changed since Angel, the TV series ended and why you think she is now in a place where she would ask anything so politely?

Mariah: First, I saw it as a small but important way of re-establishing her relationship with Spike, which is different than it is with any other character. Since After the Fall we've seen her in various situations, and while I think she's still mostly uncompromising, she's also been trying to work through some really conflicting ideas in her head. She has a collective set of memories bouncing around in there. Fred's, Wes's, Spike's, and then there's her own perspective. Which tends towards the self-important. But that's been challenged a lot and I thought it was important to show that she's not the same. There's been a lack of forward momentum with Illyria that's bothered me, and the "please" was a simple way of showing that something is shifting, while also re-establishing that she and Spike have a connection. Plus, it ties into the Illyria mini and some of what happens there. I didn't want the events there to feel too sudden, which means you have to drop little hints that change is coming.

Buffyfest: We're getting somewhere with the question of Spike's soul.  Would you please elaborate on what the Arcadia Sum is and how it affects Spike's behavior?

Mariah: The way David and I envisioned it, it's something that latched onto him when he was flux back in Season 5. The soul parasite idea was originally Bill Willingham's, we just put detail to it. Something that lay dormant (not unlike what happened to Cordelia) until it was triggered. The fact that Spike was incorporeal and would fade in and out seemed significant to me in a show where things from "outside" are constantly trying to get into our reality. And with all the time shifting and the idea of "old" magicks getting stirred up, it was an opportunity to show that, like the limb dusting, some very strange things are going on. I know Spike's behavior has been very controversial, but it was never done out of disrespect for the character.

To me, if a soul can be cursed, if people can come back from the dead,  then it's completely and entirely believable that a soul can get "sick" or however you want to interpret it. Like when The First circumvented Spike's soul, allowing him to feed on humans again without him knowing, the Arcadia Sum kind of allowed Spike to do things that he otherwise wouldn't. By "infecting" his moral centers and the part of him that would see some of these actions as clearly bad. He wasn't really aware of how off things were until they were pointed out to him. Which is also why there was that "crazy in the basement" line came from. That was the last time souled Spike did anything even remotely like what he'd been doing, so it was a way to hint that something significant was going on.

Buffyfest: The Sisterhood of the Jaro Hull take violent action in this issue to become "reborn" but, with James preparing his attack, are they a necessary evil?

Mariah: You'll find out in #38. We discover something significant about Connor in #37 that gets even weirder in #38, and it will directly effect what happens with the Sisterhood from here on in. Not to mention change how Connor may be viewed, too.

Angel #37: The Review

Overview: Angel and Spike are looking into Connor's disappearance but don't get far because Angel is still distrusting of soulless Spike.  Tumble, grunt, insert slashy comments here, and the two separate, agreeing that their times is better spent focusing on what's actually important.  Angel and Illyria head off on their quest to solve the Great Connor Caper, while Laura and Mr. Polyphemus spitball ideas on what's happening with Spike.  Surprising absolutely no one, The Sisterhood of the Jaro Hull have kidnapped Connor and plan to draw from his powers in order to be reborn.  Meanwhile, Eddie Hope has a run in with Team Angel mid Gunn murder.

Eddie Hope Preview
Review: I mentioned last month that it seemed very evident that the story arc Bill Willingham had started is now being very speedily concluded in favor of telling one, last big story before Angel and co. head back to Buffy land permanently.  This issue follows suit in that regard, throwing us headlong into the conclusion to the Connor story and skipping us straight through the Spike's soul plot thread.  That's fine.  We all kind of knew that Bill's story wasn't quite meshing with fan expectation.  The nice thing is that Mariah and David continue to be adept at getting the voice of the characters and so the comics feel much more like the show than they have in a while.  So while things feel rushed, we're getting dialogue between characters that feels fresh and genuine.  The Connor stuff actually seems like it could get an exciting conclusion, too, which is nice for those in the crowd who were happy to see him get more time in the spotlight.

On the less good side is the art which I will only talk about briefly.  It's terribly challenging to capture characters from a show in comic form.  Only a few artists can truly master that combination between capturing the actor's look and the soul of the character and, in my opinion, Valerio's art was too inconsistent to satisfy me.  There are certain panels that I really enjoy but some characters, Connor especially, who never really look quite right.  You can see the difference when Elena comes back to perform the art duties for the Eddie Hope story.  She's had a lot of practice with these characters and it shows.

Overall, this issue is solid despite feeling like it's on fast forward.  I'm looking forward to wrapping this story next month so we can move on to what's next: A Wolfram & Hart story and two spin offs (Spike and Illyria) all of which I fully expect to blow my socks clean across the room and into an adjacent hell dimension.

Enough from me, though.  I'll leave Mariah with the final word. 

Buffyfest Bonus question: When Illyria says "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me", Angel assumes she is quoting "Star Trek" but, according to Illyria, the quote originated as an ancient, demon proverb.  My deeply philosophical question is this: If Angel watches hockey and Spike watches "Passions"; what sort of television do you think Illyria would get hooked on?

Mariah: Well, she likes to play Crash Bandicoot, so that kind of makes it hard to guess, you know? I can see her watching anything from Muppets to the History Channel. In spite of what she says, I think she finds humans and what they do interesting, even when she doesn't understand it, finds it futile, or beneath her. We do things she would never even think of and I think she can't help but be a little intrigued. I also think she might watch things she thinks Fred would watch, but only when no one else was looking. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

2010 Fashion Style Images

Fashion Style 2010
2010 Fashion Style
2010 Fashion Style Girl
2010 Fashion Style Pic
2010 Fashion Style

2010 Fashion Dresses

2010 Fashion Dresses Picture
2010 Fashion Dresses
2010 Fashion Dresses Image
2010 Fashion Dresses
2010 Fashion Dresses Wallpaper

2010 Fashion Week

2010 Fashion Week Girl
2010 Fashion Week Image
2010 Fashion Week Wallpaper
2010 Fashion Week Girls
2010 Fashion Week

Monday, September 27, 2010

*Spoiler* Buffyfest Reviews Superman/Batman: Apocalypse

If Sarah Michelle Gellar is the Queen of the Whedonverse, then Summer Glau must be the Princess. (Or is it Eliza? Hmmm...might have to do a poll.) Anyway, one thing Summer is super-dependable at is adding her talents to some good Sci-Fi and Genre stories. Last Thursday, the Paley Center here in NYC hosted the premiere of Superman/Batman: Apocalypse which Summer starred in. She played the part of the beloved character DC, Supergirl. Another fun fact, the original print comic version of this story was penned by an additional Whedonverse connection, Jeph Loeb.

Now, since none of our regulars here know much about the Superman franchise, we asked our correspondents Darren and Cathy to check out the scene in our stead. Check out Darren's review of the film below:

"Darren here, longtime Superman fan and correspondent of Buffyfest. I attended the premiere of Superman/Batman: Apocalypse for Buffyfest last week and it was a fun time. The Paley Center did a good job with the event. As far as the movie goes: Overall, I'd say that someone who is seriously into the Superman comics may not enjoy it but someone who is a general Superman fan would definitely find it entertaining. I found it entertaining but I had problems with the inconsistencies of the story. Like Superman killing a thousand Doomsdays with one flash of eyebeam. Listen, these two killed each other in the past. If the continuity that's been established over the years is that Superman killed Doomsday before and because of what happened could never be killed again, then how is Superman killing him in one eyebeam? I don't get it.

And the story of Kara/Supergirl (who was well played by Summer Glau). Superman gets hit by 1 omega beam by Darkseid and he was out forever and got flown all the way out to space. He has to get all the way out to the sun, recharge and come back in order to deal with Darkseid. But Supergirl gets hit and was fine? In the end it appeared that Supergirl was stronger than Superman and took way more of a beating than Superman and that's stupid.

Batman, he's an asshole. Batman is human, he has no superpowers of any kind but he can get his head put through walls and everything like that and walk away...gotta get some kind of realism in there. Just saying.

Since we're talking about the Whedonverse connection on this fine blog, I'll say that Summer Glau's voice performance was cute, her krypton was spoken fine. But as far as Supergirl goes, I didn't like her hairdo...way too kryptonian."

And there you have it! Superman/Batman: Apocalypse will be released tomorrow, September 28 on both DVD and Blu-ray. If you pick it up at Amazon, it comes as a Two-Disc Exclusive Limited Edition with bonus Litho Cel.In the mean time, check out the clip below with bonus Summer Glau introduction. And thanks to Darren and Cathy for the contribution!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fan Vid Sunday

This week's fanvid comes to us from our friend the gingerpire.  It's a little bit of Cangel love for those of you out there who ship it.  Not much else to say.  Busy, busy, Buffyfest Bloggers are out doing thingly things.  We've got stuff coming this week, though, and we'll be covering those convention of the NYC variety in the coming weeks, too.  In the meantime, huge thanks to the ultimate ginge from Ohio.  Enjoy!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tribal Tattoo Design - Best Tribal Tattoo Design for You

Tribal tattoo plans are amongst the widely sought for tattoos. A tribal pattern usually spark interest of an individual because it's usually hard to categorize if the design is simple or intricate because the bold solid lines speak more for itself. A tribal tattoo design is usually worn to represent belongingness or other personal reasons.
Tribal Tattoo Design - Best Tribal Tattoo Design for YouTribal Tattoo Design

A tribal tattoo design is elected by individuals for various reasons. Some tribes used these tattoos to signify position and achievements, some for spiritual, magical or marriage rituals. For others, it is used to trace a family lineage and are given to as early as puberty as a mark in welcoming them to the society.
Tribal Tattoo Design - Best Tribal Tattoo Design for YouTribal Tattoo Design

Each tribal may represent a specific heritage & was used differently by tribes & cultures. Native Americans wear them to represent culture & beliefs; Polynesians wear it for custom, values, or religion; Hawaiians wear a tribal patterns to identify their group from the others within the society or sometimes for protection or even mourning.
Tribal Tattoo Design - Best Tribal Tattoo Design for YouTribal Tattoo Design

Having a tribal design isn't always for adornment or art. In some cultures, having a tattoo could be a method to select how the person will be able to handle other circumstances in life. In some tribes for example, females who're unable to tolerate pain in the coursework of tattooing may indicate her incapacity to handle pain in the coursework of childbirth.
Tribal Tattoo Design - Best Tribal Tattoo Design for YouTribal Tattoo Design

A tribal tattoo may be inspired & adorned with animal drawings to represent different meanings. The symbolism differs depending on the importance of the animal to a tribe. A bear may mean lovely luck, a butterfly may indicate immortality of the spirit while an eagle may symbolize spiritual growth.

Tribal Tattoo Design - Best Tribal Tattoo Design for YouTribal Tattoo Design

A tribal design usually symbolizes the group to which an individual belong. This has been true for lots of ages as tribes use them to mark the members of their tribe. At present times, this can be related to gangs and even fraternities who use tattoos to decide who they are and the group they belong to

Tribal Tattoo Design - Best Tribal Tattoo Design for You
Tribal Tattoo Design

There are various reasons as to why an individual might want to have a tribal tattoo design on the body. A tribal tattoo design is best worn if it holds a meaning or a narrative so to make it different & unique from someone else's. So the next time you would want to have tattoo, try & look for a significance or a narrative behind it will be more significant when marked on your body.

Tattoo Ideas for Girls

With the growing popularity of female tattoos there's seemingly limitless tattoo ideas for girls to get inspired about. Let's speak about six types of popular female tattoo designs that ladies are choosing right now.

1. Foot Tattoo designs for Women
Tattoo Ideas for GirlsFoot Tattoo designs for Women

Many ladies sometimes enjoy getting tattoos on their feet because the location is fairly discrete. This can be important if the woman has a job that requires her to appear professional & all times. People often indicate that getting tattoos on their feet can be painful. you have many design options to choose from, & you're only limited by your imagination.

2. Cross Tattoos For Women
Tattoo Ideas for GirlsCross Tattoos For Women

It's not women who have a religious affiliation that are choosing to get cross tattoos. This particular design has become increasingly popular in recent years. you may require to think about whether or not a tattoo of this kind would be well-suited to your own personal sense of style and character. Also take in to consideration the fact that in case you become religiously unaffiliated, this particular type of tattoo design may lose its appeal with you.

3. Lower Back Tattoo designs For Women
Tattoo Ideas for GirlsLower Back Tattoo designs For Women

Sadly, lower back tattoo designs have often been known as so-called "tramp stamps." Nothing could be further from the truth. there's a wide selection of classy females who choose to get this type of tattoo because it's location is discreet & accentuates the female curves. females who are adventurous souls will often have comic designs & messages incorporated into lower back tattoos -- with the primary audience being lovers who are interacting with them from behind! This is a growing trend.

4. Flower Tattoos For Girls
Tattoo Ideas for GirlsFlower Tattoos For Girls

Finally, there is the ever popular flower tattoos for girls. there is nothing actually standard about this particular style of tattoo. the choices are virtually limitless. One reason why flower tattoos have become increasingly popular stems in sizable part from the fact that they're classic and timeless.

Different tattoo ideas for girls are constantly evolving with the boundaries pushed further away from what was four times thought about 'normal'. You're best to expose yourself to the wise and informed before trying to generate a different tattoo design that will last. This will help you make an inspired decision before getting your tattoo.

Beauty of Flower Tribal Tattoos

The tattoo body art was the stigma of strength, vitality and status in the name of allure. there's some tribal casts who use tattoo to ward off nasty spirit and they think it can cure diseases. The tribal soldier uses it to symbolizing their great bravery and mighty strength.

in case you return in history, you will have the evidences that points out to the long time existence of tattoos. The first evidence was discovered in Egypt. there is a powerful belief that the trends had utilized by plenty of ancient tribal people around the globe.

Tribal tattoo designers make the design of flower, animal & religious symbols & tribal flower tattoos are great variation of art & it is being greatly used by worldwide tattoo lovers.

Tribal flower tattoos are one type of ancient tattoo that can make you feel the essence of great cultural heritage. there is immense number of people are recognizing the worth of the its body art. The bold strokes & curve plans are the combination of beauty & strength but now it is blended with fashion factor. The distinctive shapes & colors of tribal flower tattoos can really make you one from others tattoos fan. Normally the basic idea of imprinting it is completed on one arm or on the back. These types of tattoos are really sophisticated & traditional. Creativity is the ideal word which is intimated with the tribal flower tattoo.
In recent days tribal tattoos are executed and incorporated in different ways. Stark, black, arching lines and mirror-image patterns are the typical tribal tattoo patterns. Flowers are the most popular designs of it. Flower has become popular and off work it is highly fashionable. there's plenty of flower tribal tattoo designs and you can basically select the ideal one for you.

allure of Flower Tribal Tattoos

you can search your favorite flower tattoo design in net because there's lots of net sites of tattoo makers and most of them provides their works portfolio on their net site so you can basically select the best design. Rose, Lotus, Hibiscus, Daisy and Lily are the different types of flower tattoos. The artists have been paid special attention to the flower tribal tattoo so that then a standard shape of rose can be changed in to different shapes and designs. No matter in case you have a large flower tattoo on your back or tiny one on your feet but the only matter is the way you're carrying this style.
Beauty of Flower Tribal Tattoos

Before going to tattooing your body it's important to select which sort of design you need and in the event you have no particular design in your mind then it can take a little bit of time. Drawing a personalized tattoo can take a bit more time than other impression tattoos but these really look chilled and it can give a great boost to your status. unique tribal flower tattoo designs are widely known specially these design which wrap around your arms or back.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Nike Air Max 360 Wallpapers

On 21 January 2006 Nike launched the Air Max 360, a new shoe design that utilized Max Air throughout the shoes midsole.

In September 2006 Nike introduced a special 'one time only pack' which fused the 360 model with three classics. The three shoes used were the Air Max 90, Air Max 95, and Air Max 97. For this special release, the design of the 360 sole was used in place of the normal sole of the three classics. The shoes were released in the three original colors: red for the Air Max 90, green/yellow for the Air Max 95, and grey/silver for the Air Max 97. Like other Air Max releases, deluxe editions were also produced. These deluxe editions lasted for about 500 miles (800 km) before their shock absorbing properties deteriorated. The use of '360' of air cushioning is meant to ensure the shoes longevity.

Nike Air Max 360
Nike Air Max 360 Wallpaper
Nike Air Max 360
Nike Air Max 360 Wallpaper

Nike Air Max 95 Pictures

The Air Max 95 was based on the human anatomy, with the spine of the shoe resembling the human spine and the original materials to represent skin etc. Although stores were reluctant to stock this shoe because of its high technology and hence high price tag, they took a chance and it became the first shoe to be more than £100.00 sold in JD Sports. However they are often replicated and sold on the Internet for a small fraction of cost.

According to a new police database, the footwear of choice for criminals are Nikes with Nike Air Max 95s being the most popular.

Air Max cushioning has been used in shoes for almost all sports by now including basketball, cross training, golf, casual shoes, sandals, tennis, etc.; however the "Nike Air Max" is always a running shoe. An example of a basketball shoe would be "Air Max Uptempo."

Nike Air Max 95
Nike Air Max 95 Pic
Nike Air Max 95
Nike Air Max 95 Image

Nike Air Max 90 Gallery

Known as the Air Max III until 2000, when it was reissued taking its name from the year of its launch year. The original colourway of white/black/cool grey with infrared was chosen to exaggerate the thickness of the sole air unit. The AM90 is especially popular in Europe.
Nike Air Max 90
Air Max 90
Nike Air Max 90 Image
Nike Air Max 90 Pic