Thursday, December 31, 2009

Chinese Dragon Tattos

The History of The Dragons and why Dragon Tattoos Are So Popular
By Becky McClure

According to the Webster-Merriam Dictionary, the word dragon is Middle English, from Anglo-French dragun, from Latin dracon.

The definition of dragon is:

• A mythical animal usually represented as a monstrous winged and scaly serpent with a crested head and enormous claws.

• Or someone who is formidable

The many depictions of dragons are incredibly diverse and complex. No other creature in mythology has appeared in so many cultures from such remote parts of the world!

Many of us think of dragons as a terrifying beast. However, the Eastern dragons are portrayed as good, kind, ancient and intelligent. The Asian Dragons have the most recorded history in the world, especially in China going back thousands of years.

The Difference between the Eastern Dragons:

Chinese dragons have all five toes. The Chinese believe that all dragons began from China. They believed that as the dragons flew south, they began to lose their toes. The farther the dragons flew, the more toes they lost. So, Korean dragons have four toes, and Japanese dragons have three.

Korean dragons have four toes. The Koreans believe that when the dragons leave Korea and go north to China, they begin to gain toes. When the dragons leave Korea and go north to Japan, they begin to lose toes.

Japanese dragons have three toes. The Japanese though all dragons originated from Japan. They also believed that when the dragons leave Japan and head north, they gain toes. The farther the dragons went, the more toes they gained. This is why the other dragons have more toes. The Japanese believed the breath of dragons could turn into clouds, which could produce rain.

But here's the kicker, unlike most types of dragon, most of the Eastern Dragons have no wings!

The Western Dragon

The Western dragons or medieval dragons have a more ferocious and primitive appearance. They often look like giant lizards with long tails and a pair of wings. While the dragons are thought of as calculating and thoughtful monsters, they have also been viewed as mindless beasts. We think of dragons as having talons, fangs, breathing fire, scaly skins, and red eyes in our drawings and paintings. The Western Dragons were also known to have huge hoards of gold and jewels hidden in their lairs.

Early Christianity condemned the ancient, benevolent and malevolent serpent deities. As a matter of fact, in Christian art, the dragon is a symbol of the pagan religion and was often drawn as overpowered by the spirit of the holy figures of Christianity.

The Vikings had figures of dragons on the prow of their boats. The dragons on the ships were believed to bestow sharp eyesight and craftiness to the Viking warriors. The Welsh flag has a red dragon on it and the dragon is their national symbol.

Why are Dragon Tattoos so popular today?

Dragons are a classic choice for a tattoo design and they are one of the more popular mythological creatures picked for inking.

Dragons are depicted as powerful, wise and free. Their legend is always cloaked in magic and mythical realm. They come from the tops of sacred Japanese mountains and the bottom of the deepest seas around Greece.

Dragons have been drawn in a wide variety of forms because of their popular appeal. Today's tattoo designers have taken the art of the dragon to amazing new levels. Whether you want a traditional dragon tattoo or one with a cutting-edge, modern look you will find an incredible gallery of amazing images to choose from.

Tattoo artists have paid extra attention to creating images of dragons because they look great on the skin. They can be in color, or black & white. Dragon tattoos can wrap around the body and flatter the contours of the body. Dragon tattoos can be designed as tribal, Celtic or jade designs. The dragon tattoo may appear with wings or fire breathing or not.

Ancient Dragon lore and illustrations have inspired many of us to select a dragon tattoo because that design represents how we feel about ourselves -- powerful, ferocious, and free...

Chinese Dragon Tattoos

Chinese and Japanese Tribal Dragon Tattoos
By Bernice Eker

Dragon tattoos are one of the most popular designs all over the world. It can go in any category, whether abstraction, naturalistic, dedication, stylized or combination tattoos.

Throughout history, dragon tattoos have never been out of fashion and had been used as a symbol in some parts of the world. It can be drawn as menacing or regal depending on your choice of design.

Dragon tattoos come in two popular forms: the Chinese or Japanese dragon of the east with its long, snake-like body and the European dragon of the west with its powerful wings and long neck. The European dragon usually symbolizes power and fear, a depiction of evil where as the Chinese dragon usually symbolizes unity and conformity, a depiction of good.

You can find many different designs of dragon tattoos in different forms and colors. Some of these dragon designs have additional background scenery where they are depicted flying in the clouds, swimming in the ocean, crawling on top of mountains or ravaging small villages. But the most common depiction of a dragon is being done as tribal dragon tattoos due to both its simplicity (the majority color being in either black or gray with the additional color to highlight the dragon) and its complexity.

Most often, the eastern dragons are the ones being used as a basis for the designs for the tribal dragon tattoos. Chinese and Japanese designs are the ones most common to be created into tattoos. Both have similar features: long, snake-like body, wingless and have horns. The only difference between these two dragons is their claws. Japanese dragons have only three claws where as the Chinese dragons have five. Their long, wingless bodies are less complicated to draw and since tribal tattoos are mostly being done in one color (two at the most), the outcome of these dragon are more elegant looking and sophisticated.

Though, some in today's society, eastern dragons that are being created into tribal dragon tattoos is being depicted as a symbol of fear and power; a contrast to the real symbolism of the eastern dragons.

Some people today would ask for a tribal dragon tattoo when they want to look tough or powerful. They would look for the best dragon design and ask to have it done. But there are still those who see the eastern dragon as a symbol of wisdom and would ask for a dragon as a sign of respect. And still, others would just like a tribal dragon tattoo because the artistry is very well made and it looks good in the body.

The most common place to find a tribal dragon would be on the whole arm length or at the back.

There are still some parts of the world where dragon tattoos are still used as a symbol in society. Whether they are being used as a status symbol in an organization or a clan, they are a mark of respect and power to the people who still value them.

Chinese Dragon Tattoo Pictures

Tree Tattoo Pictures
By R. Dercks

Tree tattoo pictures are not very common. Are they? Not many people will be having tree tattoos. Have you wondered why it is so? That is because trees have a great significance in many Asian and African cultures. It also has links with Celtic history. The meaning of tree tattoo pictures is linked with all these cultures and the impact and significance is so strong that many people prefer not to get it.

Now if you are thinking that you see so many girls with different flower tattoos like roses, daisy, lily, sunflower and leaves like shamrock and others. Are they not tree tattoo pictures? NO! They are not. They are flower tattoos. I am talking about a tree as in whole.

So here are some popular tree tattoo pictures for you!

The most popular one is the cherry tree tattoo pictures. This female-only tattoo is a symbol of sexuality and beauty but not in literal terms. This tattoo gets its meaning from the Japanese cherry blossom which is a symbol of life which is short and beautiful and Chinese cherry blossom which means power. Both these are close to beauty of a woman which is her power and is also short lived. However there is this not so popular tattoo of cherry tree with falling cherry. It means that a girl has lost her innocence and Beauty just as a cherry fallen from a tree loses its beauty and juice. So many girls avoid it fearing it might convey wrong message.

Then there is the Bodhi tree; A tree under which Buddha sat for years and meditated. He finally got his enlightenment under this tree. People who firmly believe in the teachings of Buddha have Bodhi tree tattoo pictures. Very few in today's world who firmly believes and follows his teachings may get one!!

Then there is the acorn which grows to mighty oak tree. Acorn has so many different meanings in different cultures. It varies from strength to fertility. Even in tattoo pictures it differs in the way it's drawn. Then there are other trees as well.

Chinese Dragon Tattoo Pics

Chinese Tattoos Symbols, Designs, Ideas And Themes
By Chris Ryerson
Recently there's been a huge rise in the field of tattooing. With popular TV shows like Miami Heat in LA Inc. being broadcast on national TV more and more people are getting tattoos. Of particular fascination to many are Chinese tattoo symbols and designs. The art of tattooing in China actually dates back much farther then its western counterpart. In the West until he didn't come into fashion until very late in the 20th century and mainly in the early 21st century. However, the art of tattooing has a long history in many Asian cultures including China, Japan, and even Thailand just to name a few. What is ironic about this is typically tattoos are used in many of the Asian cultures to mark criminals and other social deviants.

Regardless of the past Chinese tattoo symbols have been widely adopted into the western tattoo lexicon. The mystique and foreignness of an Asian tattoo and the beauty of Chinese and Japanese writing have really sparked a lot of interest among western tattoo enthusiasts. There are many beautiful Chinese designs of themselves well to the art of tattooing. However in much of Asia since tattooing was done in criminals and social deviants many of the designs are very large and often full body pieces especially in Japan.

These often are very expensive designs and take many hours in a tattoo shop this is led many western tattoo enthusiasts to opt for Chinese symbols. The beautiful script used in China lends itself well to creating a mysterious and ancient looking tattoo that is not easily discernible by the average Westerner.

The most common Chinese tattoo symbols that are sought after are often representative of important values. For example a simple word that represents themes like love, strength, or power. Another common theme among western tattoo enthusiasts is to seek a translation of something important in the Chinese. For example it's very common for men and women alike to get the names of their children translated into Chinese and the tech to them on their shoulders arms or back.

For those wishing to embellish their tattoo their many smaller themes designs they can easily accompany Chinese Japanese writing a script. For example, men will getting Tiger, lion, or dragon to accompany their design. Women tend to opt for a more delicate designs such as the cherry blossom, yin yang symbol, or a koi fish design.

There are a wide variety of very beautiful tattoo designs throughout Asian cultures. Anyone considering getting a Chinese or Japanese tattoo would be well advised to check their overall design especially the writing with a native speaker of the language. Their many incidents where a person is purchased a flash tattoo at a local tattoo shop thinking that it meant one thing later find out that that's a totally different.

2009 Top Ten Best Moments of the Whedonverse - Buffyfest Edition

It's that time of year again, one of reflection on the past 365 days in the Whedonverse. Here's a look back at the Top Ten Best Moments of 2009 - Buffyfest Edition. Happy New Year, Everyone!

#1 - Dr. Horrible Wins an Emmy
As it should. Plus, there was an awesome appearance by the cast of Dr. Horrible, too. Good times.

#2 - New York Comic Con 2009
Oh boy, was this a bit of craziness mixed with amazing. It was out first year covering the convention and we got to interview Super Scott Allie, the Amazing Brian Lynch and Buffy's own Amber Benson. We also heard Joss speak and I was inappropriately touched by a blind man, but that's a story for another day.

#3 - Buffyfest 2009
It was the year of the Guerilla Drive-in. We thought we might get arrested or at least a little harassed, but alas, it went off without a hitch.

#4 - "Don't Spuff 'til You Spuff Enough"
Words can't properly express how we feel about this song. In truth, it's really the anthem of our year and the pride of our blog.

#5 - Angel's 10 Year Anniversary in Los Angeles
What's more fun than Buffyfest all together in the same room? It's when Buffyfest are all together in the same room that also happens to be the courtyard of the Hyperion Hotel.

#6 - Dollhouse
It was the little engine that could and against all odds, Dollhouse made it to a 2nd and final season with awesome guest appearances by quite a few Whedon alum.

#7- Can't Stop the Serenity Charity Screenings
There's always reason to celebrate charitable giving, especially this amazing group and their determination to help stop Human Rights abuse around the world. As proud sponsors of this year's event, we're happy to report that they had a record breaking year in '09!

#8 - Buffy Season 8 Motion Comic
We still have no idea what this will entail, but it's Buffy and she'll be moving her arms and legs and words will be coming out of her mouth, so this is absolutely a cause for celebration.

#9 - Twilight
A year later we're still asking, "Who the hell is this guy?", but it's finally inching a bit closer to one of the most exciting reveals in the Buffyverse.

#10 - The Buffy High School Reunion
It was a fun-filled two nights in NYC with an extra special Spike performance by our very own Bitsy.

We'd also like to add a very special thanks to the Guest Bloggers we've had throughout the year. We were lucky enough to get some amazing peeps to take over the posting reigns for a bit. A huge heap of gratitude goes out to JayUnderscoreZero (here and here), InyRules, Steph, Danner, Heidi, and Heroine_TV (Part I and Part II).

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Top 13 Whedonverse Search Phrases of 2009

It might go without saying, but many people land here on Buffyfest through search engines like Google and Yahoo. People search for all sorts of things that bring them to this little blog, from the unfortunately obvious ("big breasted vampire lesbian slayer porn free movies"), to the sort of unrelated ("I am Russian, hear me roar"), to really long and rambling ("buffy saves willow from an ordinary vampire, but loses track of jesse with kendra murdered by drusilla, willow in the hospital with head trauma.") and just plain funny ("kuzuifail!").

So what are the most popular searches that bring Whedonverse seekers here, you ask? Well now that it's near the end of the year, we thought it would be fun to answer that question and compile a list of the top search Keywords of 2009. So besides the term "Buffyfest" in some form, here is a list of the top 13 search phrases of the year:

1. 'buffy/angel watching guide' or "buffy/angel episode order"
2. 'and then buffy staked edward the end'
3. 'dollhouse theme song'
4. 'david boreanaz cheating'
5. 'dr horrible september nyc'
6. 'buffy vs twilight'
7. 'angel/buffy star-crossed lovers'
8. 'buffy tarot'
9. 'buffy ds'
10. 'charisma carpenter leaving angel'
11. 'angel aftermath'
12. 'yummy sushi pajamas'
13. 'sarah michelle gellar howard stern'

Poor Boreano. I mean his bad press came at the end of the year and there it is, right towards the very top of the list.

And WTF does 'angel/buffy star-crossed lovers' even mean, anyway? Oh, after further research, it points to a quote made by Joss over here, but that's pertaining to the Twilight books/movies. Neither he, nor anyone on this blog actually wrote that search phrase in full, so where did that come from? The internets are just so odd.

This last one brought just a single visitor: "buffy:the vampire slayer counter productive" - that just may have been mine! Still won't stop any of us here at Buffyfest from blogging on straight into 2010.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Whedonverse Ornament Swap 2009 Recap

The 2009 Whedonverse Ornament Swap is now over. Thanks to everyone who participated in another fantastic year of Whedonish Yuletide fun! Most of the ornaments landed, but for those who still haven't sent theirs, please do so as soon as possible so that your group mates can enjoy the ornaments for next year. In the mean time, check out creative fabulosity above.

If you haven't yet posted your pictures to the Flickr group page, please do!

P.S. FYI, most, but not all of the photos show up in the group unless you're logged in to Flickr.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Chinese Dragon Tattoo Meaning

Koi Fish Tattoos - Meanings
By Chris P Marks

The image of the koi fish is often used in tattoo designs not just because of its obvious elegance and vibrant colors, but more because of the symbolism surrounding it.

"Koi" is simply "carp" in Japanese, but the expensive fish that we are all familiar with are carp that have been especially bred since ancient times in China. This special breeding has produced the multi-colored varieties of koi fish that people now collect.

Koi are vigorous fish that can swim upstream. An old Chinese legend tells of koi brave enough to swim up the waterfalls of the Yellow River, and that any fish that could reach the point in the river called "Dragon Gate" would turn into a dragon.

While the fish originated from China, it is the Japanese who have made it a household name. The koi is a celebrated symbol in Japan-mostly associated with exceptional courage. It is said that this fish, if caught and placed on a cutting board, can lie still and wait for the knife to drop-without a quiver. That it can remain stoic in the face of imminent death is a quality likened to the samurai warrior's unflinching courage to face the sword.

Generally, koi fish tattoos' meanings include strength of character and the temerity to face adversity and seemingly impossible odds. With regard to the Chinese "Dragon Gate" legend, koi fish are also seen as symbols of high aspiration and accomplishment. Koi are also referred to as "living jewels," and so are likewise associated with luck and good fortune. The image of five golden koi are said to mean "eternal wealth" and well being.

Still another interpretation of the koi's ability to swim upstream is "non-conformity." It is an advisable tattoo motif for people who put great importance to being an independent thinker.

Koi fish tattoos' meanings can vary for different people. Others also believe that the meaning of the koi tattoo design differ depending on the placement, colors and position of the fish, as well as other aspects of the design. Of course, the ultimate meaning of any tattoo would always be unique and personal for the person who has it.

Because koi are beautifully patched fish, it is best to have a koi tattoo design that has any of its natural combinations of the colors gold, white, yellow, red, and black.

Chinese Dragon Tattoo Images

Text As Images in Tattoo Design
By William Connor
Recently I was approached by someone asking for assistance in designing a pair of tattoos; one of them and one for their partner. They were concerned about using text rather than images. Initially they wanted to simply get a tattoo of each other's names, but through the course of discussion, they began to think about accompanying images that were meaningful to them in various ways. Effectively, they became confused and overwhelmed making their decision. The idea of text compared to images needed to be explained and explored.

Text is imagery. Font, point size, kerning, and script all come into play when considering text for a tattoo. The main difference, and even then only in part, is the semantic association with the chosen text. Initially, the couple mentioned above had disassociated the imagery of the text itself with the semantic meaning. Once the elements of the text as art became clear, they needed advice. What style should they get? How large should the text be? How far apart should the letters be spaced? Should the words the wanted tattooed be in their first language or in another?

Using one's first language for text tattoos has immediate meaning and most likely meaning for those most often admiring their artwork. Using another language could make the meaning of the text or characters more personal, almost secretive, in the same way that some religious text is "hidden" from public knowledge. Some Buddhist texts, for instance, are written in scripts only taught to monks such that mostly only those who study the text can gather the semantic meaning behind the text. Choosing to use the Chinese character for love would only mean love to those who can read the character unless explained, otherwise it would be a beautiful array of stokes and lines rather than an idea. Pierician semiotics discusses this very concept and that is beyond the scope of this article. What should be addressed is the level of exposure of the meaning behind the text tattooed: will most admirers understand the artwork or is something more private preferred?

Placing the text also comes into play. The length and shape of the artwork may be determined by the kerning of the characters and the style of font used. This will interact dialectically with the canvas provided by the receiver's body. What space on the skin that is available and desirable will in part determine the size and shape of the text.

Text need not be isolated, either. Surrounding or integrating text and characters with non-semantic artwork can provide a combination of meanings and increase the shapes and styles to be thematically presented through tattooing. Related non-semantic artwork to semantic text is a perfectly acceptable parallel presentation, as is creating a collage of meaningful images and words to form a more complicated and in depth personalized tattoo.

Semiotic discussions may well be too complicated of a concept when thinking about creating a personalized tattoo, but it is important to remember the concept that text is artwork in and of itself when choosing to incorporate semantic meaning into tattoo design. Enlisting the assistance of an online tattoo design service can be very helpful to ensure the beauty and clarity of a text oriented design. Read some reviews of services and select the service that is best for you. Some services are even text specific, such as Chinese language tattoo design sites, and these services will always have experienced artists available to help you make informed decisions when creating your custom text oriented tattoo designs.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Twas the Night Before Sunnydale

It's Christmas Eve, so why not celebrate with this awesome parody of the famous poem, "Twas the Night Before Christmas" garnished with a twist of Buffy, of course!

'Twas the night before Christmas at Sunnydale High,
The vampires were stirring and hoped for a bite,
Buffy had hung all her stakes up with care,
For a night at the Bronze and was fixing her hair.

Giles was still studying in his librarian's room,
Studying ancient writings, scrolls, books and tomes,
Cordelia and Xander were up to some frolic,
They made out in secret in the janitor's closet.

For Willow 'twas Chanukah, she was making some spells,
But could only make green flames and sickening smells,
Angel was restless, his stomach was growling,
So in the moonlight that vampire was prowling.

The zombies were restless, their bodies decaying,
With some hapless human the demons were playing,
Spike and Drusilla were plotting their plans,
And Oz played guitar at the Bronze with his band.

Down in the Hellmouth, a master vampire,
Was stalking and snarling, all lit by hell-fire,
He wanted revenge on the Sunnydale Slayer,
To maim her and rend her and make her afraid.
The rest of the poem can be found here.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Buffy, Twilight and Obama Walk Into a Bar: Update with Scott Allie


Is Buffy corrupted beyond repair? Are Dawn and Xander a perverted mockery of a couple? Is Obama really putting Twilight Kool-Aid in the Swine Flu vaccine? You can find all these answers and more in the recent interview we had with Dark Horse Comic's Super Scott Allie.

Buffyfest: Last year at NYCC, I asked you a question about theme in Buffy Season 8. You weren't able to answer because the comic was in its early stages, but now, 3/4 of the way through, can you comment on what you think is/are the overall theme(s) of the story?

Scott Allie: Sorry, still a no-go! I'll start being apparent in the next few months.

Buffyfest: There's been a lot of talk on the “internets” about Buffy's corruption and how it's been sitting heavy on the Season. Do you think Buffy's been corrupted by power or is this just a girl who's stressed out and/or maybe a little jaded?

Scott Allie: I don't know that power corrupted her so much as pressure. But I do think she's made some unfortunate compromises.

Buffyfest: What do you think those compromises are?

Scott Allie: Well, I agree with fans that financing her operations with theft is not a very heroic thing. But I think Buffy is a very imperfect hero, so I don't think it's so much out of character, as some fans have suggested, but rather a not so positive bit of character development.

Buffyfest: Regarding Obama's reveal as Twilight, did he get his superpowers from a new socialist health program that helps boost people's strength in order to fight against the free market?

Scott Allie: Like all lesser deities, he got his powers from the sacrifices and devotion of his followers. So basically Season Eight ends when everyone loses faith in him, he loses his invulnerability, and becomes an easy target. I'm still talking about Twilight, right?

Buffyfest: Can you give us one personality trait that would characterize the person under the Twilight mask?

Scott Allie: I cannot.

Buffyfest: Doesn't hurt to try. Moving on. There's been a lot of nay-saying over Xander and Dawn's relationship. Why do you think people are so reluctant to embrace this pairing? Was this issue something you and Joss talked about before the story was released?

Scott Allie: We knew it was coming. We never hesitated. We knew people would hate it because of their history, but I guess we disagree. I don't think that age difference would stop many people. I think 200-year-old Angel (and slightly younger Spike) hooking up with high-school-age (or slightly older) Buffy is a lot worse, and we're all still arguing about which one of those relationships was the most True Love. Xander knew her as a child--when he was a slightly older child. Xander's pretty immature, would’ve met her when she was in 6th grade or so. He wasn't changing her diapers.

Buffyfest: Speaking of controversial relationships, we had Buffy and Satsu, Xander and Dawn and Willow's cheating scandal with the Snake Lady, Saga Vasuki. Are there any other shocking parings yet to be seen in Season 8? If so, without going in to detail, what makes it controversial in your eyes?

Scott Allie: Yes, and no, I won't say.

Buffyfest: Continuing with Willow, the One-Shot comes out soon. Besides Kennedy, will we see any other Buffy characters in the story?

Scott Allie: Ohhhhhhhh yeah.

Buffyfest: Switching gears to some of the other Whedonverse titles: With the success of the Dr. Horrible One-Shot, do you think doing a mini or an ongoing in that universe is viable?

Scott Allie: Viable, yeah, and we have specific plans, not ready fo' unveiling.

Buffyfest: What about Sugar Shock? Any chance we'll be seeing more stories there?

Scott Allie: I doubt it. Maybe. Next time he feels like doing something like that, I suspect he'll make up something new.

Buffyfest: Did you watch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles before it was canceled? I loved it! Is there anything you can tell us about the overall time frame of Zack Whedon's Terminator story or how it links to the television show and/or any of the movies?

Scott Allie: All I'll say is that the Terminator license is a very strange thing. Unique in such properties, the original movie, T2, Salvation, and the show are all separate licenses--like Angel and Buffy are. So we only have the original movie. So we're focusing on characters from the film, and situations from the film, and nothing from the other films, or the show.

Buffyfest: With Exurbia coming to "My Space Dark Horse Presents", will it be a continuation of the story with characters like The Rat making appearances or is this a whole new story?

Scott Allie: It takes place before the graphic novel, focused on The Rat. At first we thought we'd do Gage, but while we were on that book tour where we saw you, we came up with this story. I think it's because we were listening to Patton Oswalt's “My Weakness Is Strong”, with all its rat humor...

Buffyfest: As you know, like many women, I was introduced to the comic world through Buffy Season 8. What do you think would attract readers like me to the pulp fictional character of Solomon Kane which you’ve written the next installment for (being released in January)?

Scott Allie: Ohhh, I dunno. Kane is really traditional adventure stuff. For Joss, the monsters are sort of secondary concerns. The monsters are pretty central to Kane. I'm actually surprised at how many women are fans of Conan (created by the same writer as Kane). I think those women will dig Kane, but women who come to comics through Buffy might find Exurbia or Devil's Footprints an easier next step into comics. The Kane artist really likes gore.

Buffyfest: Finally, do you have any comments on the recent cancellation of Dollhouse? Any plans to continue the story in comic form?

Scott Allie: No plans, but we talk. Right now it's just time for him to wrap things up. I loved how Season Two started, much more than Season One. I thought he'd nailed it, and it was like they played a game to see how they could screw it up. Fox %#$@ed this really nice guy.

Check out this quick preview of the Willow One-Shot being released this Wednesday.

Joss Whedon and Cast Celebrate Dollhouse...Drunk

These and more pics from Dollhouse's wrap party from @motancharoen Twitpic Stream. Go check out the rest and RIP Dollhouse.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

fanvid sunday

Running, running, always running so far and so fast but there's never any escape from what's coming. The job you know you'll fail at, the friends you know you'll disappoint, the world you never feel like you're a part of. The love we find we will most certainly lose and the bonds we forge will all but inevitably be broken. No wonder when she is about to sacrifice herself, when she is finally going to die, Buffy... smiles.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

David Boreanaz Is Moving Out

The Real Estalker blog has some serious scoopage on Boreano selling his 3 bedroom Hollywood Hills home. Wonder if he will be leaving LA? Michelle will be sad.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Alyson Hannigan Freaks Us All Out

WTF? Seriously what the fuck. @AlyDenisof  tweeted the above twitpic which she accurately titled "If Eliza and Sarah were combined into one person..."

How is that real? And where did she find this mysterious hybrid person? I'd like to dream that if Buffy was still airing, that Whedon would some how write her into the story (not in that way perv!!!!)

So strange.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The 2009 Whedonverse Gift Guide

The holiday shopping season is once again coming to a closes and if you're having trouble deciding what to get your fellow fandom friends, have no fear...we gotcha covered. Below you'll find a list of the coolest, newest Whedon-ish stuff out there.

(Make sure you check out last year's list too as most of that stuff is still available and still awesome!)

For the Casual Viewer or Newbie:
The Serious fan:
Recession Specials!
  • Create your own Whedonverse Ornaments (See the Flickr Group from our Whedonverse Ornament Swap for some inspiration)
  • This "Browncoat Field Ration" soap by Geeky Clean is a mere $4.99 and $1 of each bar is going towards this year's Can't Stop The Serenity total. Clean, cheap and charitable!
  • The documentary "Done the Impossible" (The story of the rise and fall and rebirth of the cult TV show "Firefly,"as told from the perspective of the fans who helped save it) is not only is it a cool $9.99, but if you buy now, you get one free! Hint: keep it for yourself.
  • Keeping with the Browncoat theme, every Firefly fan needs their own Reaver Doll - on sale for just $11.95!
Last Minute Larry - don't even need to leave the house for these finds!

Crazy-super-duper-hard-core-fan that has everything:
Happy shopping!